Another Patient, Another Coma

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I must have fallen asleep because my head jerked up and my face felt hot where my palm was. I wiped the drool off my face and checked my watch. I wasn't asleep for more than 5 minutes, so that explains why Gabriel hasn't came in to check on me yet. I sigh and stand up, walking over to the bedside of the patient. Just like all the rest: healthy.

A sudden shock of pain ran up my leg and I lost control, falling to the right. I wince in pain and hold tightly where it hurt the most: the knee cap. I pull up my pant leg and saw a strange mark on it. It seems it was recently put there because the blood was just beginning to swell. Strange. I grab some tissues that was lying on the nightstand and applied pressure to my weird wound.

Once I got it as clean as I could, I pulled the pant leg back and stood up, still feeling some shock through my leg. But I could handle it. I walked out the door and into the room across from where I was. Gabriel was holding his hand over the patient's forehead and he looked awful. He was sweaty and shaky. He was gritting his teeth and looked as though he were trying to scream- but couldn't. I quickly ran to his side and ripped his hand from the patients forehead. He gasped and looked frantically about the room.

"What was that?" I raise my voice.

"The nightmare.. was.. strong.. and.. I don't know, I just couldn't let go," he breathes heavily.

I sigh. "Well you're certainly not doing that again, you're obviously not strong enough for some reason."

He sucks his teeth like he disapproved.

"Oh suck it up, cry-baby," I say as I make my way to the door. He follows and we walk toward the East wing where Cas and Sam was.

We finally meet up with them in the hallway.

"Where's Dean?" Sam asks.

"Don't know," I answer, "We came to you first."

"Okay, let's go get him. We have things to discuss." Cas says.

I nod and take a step on my right leg but another sudden shock split through it, this time worse and it went up through my side. I make a loud grunt/wince noise and fall to the ground. Cas comes to my side with a worried look. My left arm is wrapped around my right side where the pain was coming from.

"Erin, Erin. Are you alright?" Cas asks, clearly scared for my life.

"Fine," I wheeze, "I'm fine." I push off the floor and get on my feet.

With a few failed attempts, I finally gain my balance. Not wanting to worry about myself, I say in a steady voice, "We should find Dean."

Cas gives me a look like he knew something was up but would let it slide- for now. We walk down to the front, where we expect to see him. He walks up to us with that determined look on his face.

"Okay, no one knows anything about anything," Dean complains in an annoyed tone.

"so sorry, Dean, but I'm sure they definitely don't know anything about supernatural stuff when everything here is made of science." I snap. I didn't mean for that to come out.

He looks at me strangely but gets on to his point. "Well some people who work here said their friends- who were other nurses- started off with strange scratches or pains but denied they needed help. Then they would change characters like maybe a really selfish man becomes a helpful- selfless man. Then they come in and out of weird dazes like zoning out and then waking up, not remembering it. then they just.. black out and fall into a coma."

I look around nervously and I could tell Cas was getting suspicious.

"I gotta use the ladies," I lie.

I push past Cas and Sam and search for a bathroom. I swing the door open and stomp to the sink. I aggressively splash water in my face. For some reason everything was really annoying and made me mad. I looked up at my reflection and- for some odd reason- screamed. loud and long. I grabbed the soap bar and threw it so hard, it smashed the mirror into pieces. Gasping, I fell against the stall door and slipped to the floor.

Why am I so scared? Why am I so mad?

I swallow deep and struggle to my feet. With many breaths, I managed to make myself back to the boys. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms.

"Problem?" Sam asks.

I shrug.

"Well, like I was saying, we should go to the most recent comatose patient. Maybe we could get something out of him," Dean explains.

We make our way to the patient's room Dean was talking about. A conversation started but I decided to stay in my own thoughts. 

Cas is so hot.. I wonder if he would want to stay in that same vessel.. That vessel makes it all the better. Woah  wait am I in a vessel? Was I just put in his form of a human from my father? like some kind of weird transportation thingy? I wonder if the boys would notice if I transport to a bar right now. I'm in the mood for a drink. Plus there are hot guys that hang out at bars. But I want to stay.. what do you call it.. loyal.. to Cas. Loyal.. what a strange-

"Erin!" Dean claps his hands in my face.


"What were you doing?" Sam asks.

"What do you mean?" I uncross my arms.

"You wouldn't answer us for the past 10 minutes!" Dean yells.

"What are you talking about?"

"Erin, were you day dreaming- or in a daze or something?" Sam asks.

"No? I don't think so.. I can't.. remember.." I rub my head. It hurt trying to remember..

"Great," Dean complains.

"She's been attacked by the Grue?" Cas asks, confused as always.

"I'm.. not.. I can't.." I try to talk but nothing good comes out.

"Can't what?" Dean takes a step forward.

"I don't know.."

My knees suddenly buckle and the same sharp pain shoots through me. But this time it goes all the way up to my head. I scream and fall to the floor. Black stars sprout throughout my vision. I hear faint voices yelling my name but I'm too tired to.. to do what? Wake up? Hell no! I'm so relaxed.

Everything went completely black.

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