All We Do Is Eat

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It's been two months. Two months of searching for Metatron. Two month of morning sickness and a growing stomach. Two months of archangels hunting our tails.

But none of that is an issue compared to what we are preparing for.

Killing Metatron.

Yeah that's harsh and all but think of what he did. He deserves it.

And I must say, I am more than ready.

"Erin, pass the ketchup," Dean huffs across the table.

I sigh and hand it over.

"Shouldn't we get going soon? I mean we are right on Metatron's tail and we are just sitting around eating," I say annoyed.

"You need to take a break. You've been obsessing about this every since you changed your mind at that rest stop," Sam says, taking a bite of his salad.

"Well I'm sorry you're the one that said I was only stalling by running away!"

Sam sighs and Dean looks anywhere but my eyes. I look over at Cas who looked away quickly when we made eyecontact.

I stand up and knock the chair over in the process. Everyone jumps but I ignore it and walk out of the restaurant to find a bench. I bury my face in my hands until I feel someone sit next to me.

"Cas, what do you want?"

"To talk."

"About what?" I ask in an annoyed tone, still not looking at him.

"You. You seem.. different."

I sigh and look at him. "Cas, I just want this to be over. I want Metatron to leave us alone so we can live a life. A normal one! I want our kid to be born without all of this," I throw my hands up in exaggeration, "But all we do is eat."

"Erin, we don't always eat. That's only something we do when our stomach feels empty. We try our best and right now, we might find him. We just want to take it slow for the time being, according to Dean."

I look away from him and rub my forehead. "Fine. Fine, we'll just 'take it slow' and risk a lot by wasting time." I get up and walk back into the restaurant and grab both Sam and Dean by the ears, dragging them to quickly pay, then to the car.

"What are you doing!" Dean asks.

"Getting a move on. We waited long enough. Now let's go take down Metatron once and for all."

"It won't be easy you know, we need to come up with a plan," Sam says.

"I don't care, I just need this to be done."

Sam and Dean exchange a look before we all pile in. This was going to be a long drive.



I have like zero time anymore and I have writer's block so it's hard.. But yeah this is just a small update to keep things going.

Thank you so much for almost 900 reads! This is great! We are so close to 1k!

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