I'm Coming For You. Don't Worry

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A/N: Sorry for all the point of view changes in this chapter! since everyone like gets separated and stuff I'm trying to fill ya'll in on what's going on between them:) Anyway, enjoy!


Dean's point of view

Erin jerks from her coma and Castiel appears in the room. They were all out of breath and trying to figure out where they were. Especially Erin.

"Erin! You okay?" I try and take a step toward her to calm her down but I was stopped by a hand swinging in my direction.

"Um I don't think so, sport." Jacob shakes his head.

"Excuse me?" I raise my eye brow.

He give me one last look and turns to Erin who had terror strike her eyes as she see's Jacob. She tries to get away but she was still weak from being in a coma and almost tumbles from the bed. Jacob reaches his hand out and presses two fingers to her forehead. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls limp in his arms.

I take a forceful step forward and get ready to punch the crap out of him but he vanishes in the blink of an eye.

"Oh no," I hear Cas mumble from the other side of the room.

"Cas where did he take her?" Sam asks.

"Jacob. He's an archangel. Here to take Erin back to Heaven where they will torture her until they find where Gabriel is." Cas says, out of breath.

 "Wait. Where is Gabriel?" I ask.

Everyone turns their head automatically like they would find him but he wasn't there.

"Dammit." I mumble under my breath.

"What do we do?" Sam asks with a nervous look on his face.

"The question is, where's Gabriel? He would just leave and let them beat his own daughter?" I was about to lose it. I mean what a freakin douche.

"I'll go get Erin. You find Gabriel." Cas orders.

"Wait- Cas no-" but before I could finish, he was gone. "Freakin angels."

"Well what do we do?" Sam asks, "We have no clue where Gabriel could be and our only hope was Cas."

"Yeah, but he obviously has his heart set on Erin," I say. "I don't know what to do."

I rub my forehead with my palm. I was so frustrated.

I don't know what to do.

 Erin's point of view

I was cold. Lost. Confused. And tied to a chair. Why was I tied to a chair?

I jerk my arms and legs to try and find a weak spot. none. I look around to see an all white room. I was strapped to a white chair that was leaned back. I look to my right and there was a metal table covered in what looked like: torture devices. I began to get nervous and my heart began to beat out of my chest. My breathing got very heavy but I took it in when I heard a sudden door open. I look frantically at the noise and she him. The man that was there at the restaurant. The man that attacked me that same night. It was him.


"Well, I hope you aren't comfortable," He smirks as he steps into the room.

"Well, I hope you realize Castiel will find you and kill you when he finds me," I spit.

"See, that's the problem. He won't find you." He walks up till he's hovering over me.

I clench my jaw and say in my deepest, intimidating voice, "Yes. He will."

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