Another Orphanage Bites the Dust

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Hey! Author here, I've been dubbed Snow in case you care. Anyway, getting to the point: this book is awful.

That's not fishing for complements, I am dead serious. Not only is it premature writing with a horrific amount of plot holes, spelling mistakes, and overall messy writing, it's just bad. I wrote this when I was very young and still in the godawful stage of "what's the problem with all my characters being straight white people?" and "I'm not like other girls bc I don't wear makeup praise me please." This book is filled with tons of unhealthy ideas.

So Snow, why don't you revise it? Well that's because this book is so much of a train wreck that it cannot be saved, and I have given up. The plot is old and unoriginal, it's filled with straight white people, and my "feminist" characters are not feminists.

So why don't I take it down? Well 1) there's a sequel (the horror, ik, but I am very attached to my now non-straight, feminist, not completely white cast and I love them v much so I will continue their adventures) and 2) my ego needs to be stroked every once and a while (usually every day) when I look at this and go "1M reads. Nice" and high five myself in an effort to feel some self-worth.

And that's it. I'm not saying the sequel is anything to marvel at, but at least my writing has improved and it's a hell of a lot better than this mess right here. So if you want to be kind and make my day I suggest you just skip to that and you'll figure crap out bc my plot is v predictable and you can ask around.

But if you do decide to read this, remember that 1) it's awful, I realize this, and I have accepted in within my soul and I am not taking the effort to change anything in regards to grammatical errors or structural faults in the plot when I am not getting paid for it, so your negative comments are literally useless and hurtful for no reason. Why you gotta be that way? and 2) please disregard and condemn all messages in this book about having a complex over being "not like other girls," or stereotyping girls. Really. It's such a toxic mindset and I'm so glad I got yanked out of that hellhole bc girls are amazing. All of them, makeup or no, sneakers or heels, both, none, anything. Girls are awesome, no matter what. Boys too, but girls mainly bc that is what I have royally screwed up on in this book.

Anyway, read at your own risk, and please just be civil. Okay? I'm not saying you have to throw up glitter, I'm just asking you to figure out when to keep your trap shut.


I was orphaned as a baby; the only survivor of a massive tidal wave. That's how I was named. Tide, the tsunami girl. No previous records of me or my parents were ever found.

Like any parentless child, I was sent to an orphanage. Took a few tries for me to stop getting thrown out but I managed. You know, eventually, after I had been tossed around to about every orphanage in New England.

Kids with a record like mine just don't stay in one place for long.

Oh, I was used to the reaction when people came to adopt; smiling, less smiling, not smiling, then bam, they read it and they were out of there as fast as they could. I wasn't positive what was in my file, but I had a pretty good idea. At every orphanage, something different had happened. Something strange. Disasters tended to follow me.

At Parkers, I was having a nightmare one night and all the sinks and bathtubs flooded. Twin Hearts - I hated that name - I got slammed with a dodge ball and all the sprinklers in the gym went off. They wouldn't stop until the red mark faded from my cheek. On a drive in a snowstorm back to Carrington the bus skidded and crashed right into the cafeteria. At Walkers - well, I think you get the point.

Westerville, the girl's home I ended up in, was one of the kinds that you see in the movies. Drab, grey, and depressing. Even the creepy cupid statues on either side of the front doors had a frown. The food was tasteless, the beds were hard and it was the only place that would take me. I'm a...let's go with troubled kid.

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