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Authors note: Hello! First of all, special thanks to ATUNNA for the amazing cover! (Isn't it awesome?) Also, thanks to all the readers and people who voted and commented on my work because it means a lot! Really, it does, you have no idea. So thank you! Anyway, back to the book...


#23 knew the plan. After she had run from the scene after she shot Tide, Izila had caught up with her and laid it out. Trade places with Tide, and then let #19 take her to Izila. It was then that Caelum had come out of the dust. #23 had been ready to shoot him too, but Izila stopped her. He said he wanted to help.

So #23 was walking down the hallway to the kitchen, trying not to skip because it was all just so funny. All that had to be done was make Coal mad. He had to start it. She couldn’t wait to see his face…

    “Just a little betrayal.” she said under her breath.

    “What?” Coal turned to her.

She giggled girlishly. “We’re making brownies.” She skipped ahead to the kitchen door, pushing it open and beamed at everyone at the table. An audience, #23 thought. Even better.

    “You’re awake!” The one called Sparky shouted, running up to her.

#23 laughed, picking him up. “Yep, and we’re gonna have brownies.”

Sparky wriggled free and ran around her feet hyperactively, cheering.

    “Oh my gosh, Tide!” Terra rushed up. “I – we’re so sorry for mixing you and the clone up!”

You still are, #23 thought with an evil grin.

    “Anyway, are you okay? What is this, like, your sixth time being knocked out? How are you feeling? Are you hungry? I’m starving but Audrey said we had to wait for –”

#23 spaced out. How could so many words come out of one person? The door off to the side of the kitchen opened and she smiled as Caelum walked in.

He was mad, a scowl tugging at the corners of his mouth. But he followed the plan, stalked over to #23, and kissed her.

Terra dropped her plate.

Sparky stopped shouting.

Everyone’s jaws hung open.

And then Caelum shot the smuggest, most aggravating smile at Coal that anyone could ever do.

#23 ducked, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire as a plate went flying at Caelum’s face. She backed up to the door, waiting for the perfect moment. Caelum stopped the projectile in midair and hurled it back. Coal dodged, and then it was chaos.

More kitchen utensils lifted from the tables and cabinets, throwing themselves at Coal. A mug shattered, the broken pieces tearing at Coal’s skin. He blocked them pretty well with a frying pan, and then shot a blast of flame at Caelum.

Terra screamed and ducked under the table to avoid any injuries. The others joined her shortly as the fridge crashed to the floor, narrowly missing Coal. Another wall of fire went towards Caelum, and #23 dashed out the door, running at full speed to the passage.

She heard a hard thump, and winced despite herself. Coal couldn’t fight gravity. It was just impossible. She shook her head in mock sadness. Such a shame.

But just as she reached the door to the tunnel, a hand grabbed her wrist. An extremely warm hand, and tightly, making her clench her fist in discomfort.

    “Where is she?” Coal demanded, eyes blazing.

#23 squirmed, stalling. “Who? What are you doing Coal?”

The grip on her wrist grew hotter, becoming more and more intolerable. “I’m going to kill you if you don’t tell me right now,” Coal snarled. “Where…is…she?”

    “Outside!” #23 cried after the heat became unbearable. “Down the mountain a bit!”

Coal dropped her wrist, racing up the passage faster than she thought a person could move. She rubbed the spot where he had grabbed her. It hurt, and was red. #23 made a note to never make Coal mad again.

She turned back to the kitchen to see what had happened. How had Caelum been beaten? He was gravity for crying out loud. She threw open the door and froze as seven pairs of eyes locked onto her angrily. They knew. #23 backpedaled, but it was too late. The earth trembled beneath her and the door slammed shut with a gust of wind.

    “So,” Audrey crossed her arms. “Feel like telling us what’s going on?”

#23 scanned the room. Yes, the fridge was on the floor and broken glass, but so was Caelum. His normally blonde hair was black with ash, and a dazed expression was on his face. Something happened, #23 thought. And it wasn’t just that he got punched in the face. She made a note to find out and report to Izila.

There was just one problem.

    “Well if you’re not going to talk,” Audrey continued, “You can come with me.”

#23 weighed the options. She could try and fight, though against four other Elementals the chances of winning were almost non-existent considering that Caelum wasn’t helping any time soon. The other was to allow herself to be taken captive, assuming she was with Caelum, and to find out what Coal had done to beat him.

She made up her mind as Terra glared at her and the ground trembled ever so slightly. #23 hastily grabbed Caelum’s arm and dragged him up.

    “I’m not telling you anything.” She said haughtily.

Terra stepped forward. #23 had been informed that this one was mostly peaceful, but she had never seen someone’s eyes filled with so much hate. “Well then you’re,” Terra snapped. “Following me. Or else.” She added with contempt.

#23 grimaced, hating to feel weak like this, but she obeyed and marched in front of Terra with as much dignity as she could muster.

She would find out what had happened if it was the last thing she did. This is what Izila had been looking for. That’s why she cloned Tide and Coal, not the others. Something was different about them. #23 would find out, as soon as Caelum manned up and started talking. Then she would escape somehow, with or without Caelum, and report to Izila. That would prove she was a survivor, that she was the one worth keeping.

She would be the one to live.

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