We "Borrow" A Helicopter

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We reach the town the next day, thanks to my constant, persistent nudging. It’s more of a village, really. The houses are wood, and if they even have paint, it’s peeling. I tell the others to stay hidden for a second, while I check it out.

    “I recognize this place,” Oh’Rian steps forward. We all turn towards her. “It’s where I landed when I first came here.”

    “Alright,” I say. “Rian, Caelum, and Stella come with me, the rest of you guys chill.”

Coal shifts. “But what if it’s dangerous?”

    “Yes, because isolated villagers pose such a threat,” I say. “Stay here.”

I turn and walk out of the trees quietly. I don’t see anyone outside, but I can hear the faint hum of life from the few houses and businesses. The streets aren’t even paved; they’re just dirt and gravel.

    “You know he was just worried about you?” Oh’Rian keeps pace easily with her long legs. “It’s kind of sweet actually.”

    “What? No-" I sputter, “Coal is a lot of things, but sweet is not one of them.” She gives me a look. “I can take care of myself.” I mutter, glancing behind me. Caelum and Stella are making small talk, or with Stella, probably discussing the meaning of life.

Oh’Rian shrugs. “Would you have said the same thing if Caelum asked?”

I stop, and then have to run to catch up with Oh’Rian. “Yes, I would have!” She makes a suspicious mmhm noise but I carefully choose to ignore it.

I would’ve said the same thing to Caelum. Wouldn’t I have? Well he didn’t say it, so I couldn’t have replied that way even if I wanted to. So it doesn’t matter. At all.

Now cross, I follow Oh’Rian through a series of passages in between the cottages. We reach a shed that looks like it could fall on top of us any second. She walks straight into the squeaky door though, and I peer inside suspiciously, resting my hand on the door jam. It creaks, and the wood shifts ominously.

    “Careful,” Caelum’s hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me back. “Don’t want it to collapse on you.”

    “Oh,” I say, stepping away from the doorway. “Um, thanks.” Oh’Rian glares at me pointedly. I make a face at her. So what if I didn’t say anything? All he did was make sure the roof didn’t fall on me. What’s so wrong about that?

Oh’Rian pulls out a plank, revealing a keyboard. Her fingers fly over it and then a door slides up in the back of the shed. It’s all very spy movie-like. I follow her into the tunnel-like thing and then down a ramp. It’s dark but then I hear the click of a switch and am blinded by the sudden flash of white as lights in a warehouse turn on. My jaw drops as I see a helicopter just sitting in the middle of the floor. It’s black and sleek and shiny and awesome. I walk towards it.

    “No.” Oh’Rian says. “You have no idea how to fly a helicopter.”

    “I had no idea how to drive a truck and I still managed.” I tell her, itching to get inside the cockpit.

    “Yeah, and you crashed it.” Oh’Rian points out, “Now step away from the chopper. We need to get the others,” she reminds me. Defeated, I sigh.

    “I will retrieve them.” Stella volunteers and races back up the tunnel.

I turn away from the helicopter and follow Oh’Rian into another room branching off from the warehouse.

    “There are some uniforms in here you can change into.” She says and I look where she’s pointing. There’s an entire rack full of all black clothing.

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