Sixteen Pizzas and a Body

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Okay thanks. So I'll get to the point: I've been thinking.

Yes, it's fascinating, I know.

I have been thinking about other things that could happen, and loose ends I should tie up. I have also been given some wonderful suggestions by some readers. (One being @Ms_Heart_ who this chapter is dedicated to) (she is also the creator of that lovely Code (that's the ship name apparently) banner ya'll see to the right or to the top of your screen) (it's quite amazing don't you think?)

Now, I love writing. So it would be my pleasure to keep writing of the snarky adventures of Flippers the water Elemental. And according to your comments when I announced the upcoming ending, you would like to keep reading about the snarky adventures of Flippers the water Elemental.

But - there's always another but - that would mean The Elementals is not over, and won't be over for another bunch of chapters. And I don't want to bore you, cause I mean, SEVENTY FOUR CHAPTERS man, that's a lot. And it would go on. And on and on. For CENTURIES.

Nah I'm kidding. But it would still go on.

So the point of this long authors note is that I would sincerely love to hear your opinions, whether it be commenting or messaging me. Cause I could end it, and I could go on, but I don't want to kill you guys of boredom. So let me know if you feel like sharing your opinion. I like to think I'm open to suggestions, and I don't bite, so that's a plus.

Anyway, despite having homework and also watching Guardians of the Galaxy over and over again, I still updated!

Now here's a total fluff chapter with a plot twist/cliffhanger, because I also work part time for Satan.


I watch the others crowd around Oh'Rian and Terra as I catch my breath. Adrenaline is still pumping through my system, making me shaky. Half of it is simmering anger though, that is caused by the boy my back is against. I clench my teeth, barely keeping from screaming at him again, until a thought occurs to me.

"What about the orphanage?" I ask, trying to keep the snippiness out of my voice. "We're only a few miles out. Won't the storm hit it?"

Coal tenses next me.

"Is there a phone or radio or something we can use?" I ask.

He nods. "In the control room." He points to the structure on top of the deck with a line of windows around it.

"Let's go then." I get to my feet stiffly. Audrey sends me a questioning look. "We need to warn the island that we made a storm and it's coming their way."

She nods, though she looks worried, and I start to the control room with Coal. As soon as we get through the door, I wheel on him but he's already ducking under my swing.

"I had to-"

"You promised me you wouldn't!" I hiss furiously. "And you did it anyway! I can't believe you! You're so stupid - I hate you, I hate you so much right now!"


"Shut up." I interrupt him. "Just shut up. I don't even want to hear you. What were you thinking? You're so stupid! I am going to kill you Anthony Coal Walker! And when you're dead, I'm going to kill you again. I hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You are the stupidest, most idiotic moron in the world I swear-"

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