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So I want to say something, please hear me out. Alright, so I'd like to thank all of you readers because I love you, but mainly I'd like to especially take a moment to appreciate the commenters. So I was re-reading all of them yesterday (because I'm obsessive like that and they make me happy) and I was just very pleased at how CONSIDERATE you guys are. I mean, I've read comments on other books that are all nasty and terrible and confidence-crushing, but all of you are supportive and nice and comment feedback and funny things and just I love it and you're great.

Wow. I am so sappy it's sad. But it must be said, because you guys are fabulous. So thank you.

Oh yeah, CrystalSoxy gets this chapter because she comments very nice things and her username is cool.

Hope you like it!


I slip out the door and then immediately backpedal. "Coal!" I yelp and duck behind him as the now completely conscious and very mad clone blasts fire from his hands.

"What are-" Coal spins, thankfully reacting fast enough to cover me. "So I'm the useless human shield now?"

"Nope." I duck under his arm and leap, landing a solid kick to the clone's chest. He hits the floor and then I'm running down the hall. "Just useless."

I look behind me and see Coal staring at the clone. His wide eyes flick up to me, mouth open.

"C'mon!" I hiss.


I make sure he's following me and then I start heading down the hallway that says upper deck. Alarms have already started wailing, the red lights flashing along the walls. I catch sight of guards dashing down the opposing hallways, turning to start after us.

"There's an airlock up ahead." Coal says. "It's to keep the boat dry during storms. There are usually guards stationed there, and they've probably closed the outside door by now."

"Okay." I think. "We'll go in; you lock the door behind us and then work on getting out. I'll take the guards."

"But there's like six -"

I throw a glare over my shoulder.

Coal closes his mouth. "Okay, okay, you take them. I'm just great with doors."


We reach the airlock and shove the heavy door open. It's barely closed and latched before the guards have caught up and are pounding on it.

I spin, already kicking and my foot connects with someone's chest, sending them to the ground. I see Coal race to the other door as I duck a punch. Another strong side-kick, another guard down. I face the remaining seven with a slightly psychotic war smile. They don't stand a chance.

A few punches, blocks, and kicks later, no one is left standing. Except for me. Funny thing about that. I look up and see Coal staring, mouth slightly open, an expression he's wearing more often. I walk over importantly, and put my hand on the door.

Before I pull it open, I turn to him. "There were nine by the way."

I yank open the door and march through while he mutters behind me, "nine!"

As we emerge onto the deck, it occurs to me that we should probably hide. I grab Coal's arm and drag him behind a stack of crates.

"Alright." I say, catching my breath. "What now?"

Coal gives a quick, airy laugh. "First you teach me how to sidekick like that."

"Tomorrow." I grin back. "Maybe."

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