Try Not To Break The Airport

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Author's note: Sorry for the long wait and stuff I was on vacation with unpredictable wifi. But now I'm back so I'll try to update more! (This chapter is kind of boring sorry the next one is better I promise) Anyway, thanks for reading, voting and commenting! (And also, feel free to point out spelling/grammar mistakes because I'll read over a chapter and then die on the inside when I realize I mixed up their, they're, and there) Thanks!


I jump awake and immediately sit up.

Coal isn't with me, what happened to him, where is he, is he even alive?

I get a massive head rush and have to lie back down. I have a pounding headache and I'm cold. My mind is racing but my body feels as if it's full of lead.

I'm not in the pool anymore, that's for sure. The room is the same one I was put in after I got shot. I'm incredibly sore but I sit up again and drop my feet to the floor, looking for Coal. He's not in the room with me so I peer out the door and walk down the hallway to the kitchen. I push open the door and see Owen reading some files at what remains of the charred table.

"Where's Coal?" I demand straightaway.

Owen doesn't look up. "Well good morning to you too."

"Ha, ha." I say dryly. "Where is he?"

"Out cold downstairs while the virus settles in."

"Can I see him?"

"If you want to get burned, be my guest." Owen replies. "Not only does he talk in his sleep, he randomly bursts into flames too."

I sigh softly and open some cabinets, looking for something to eat.

"How do you deal with it?" Owen asks.

"Deal with what?" I find some M&M's and take the bag to the table, sitting next to him and tilting my head to read the files he's looking at.

"Your powers." he says. "From what these say," he motions to the papers. "They suck."

"What do they say?" I ask, trying to see how many M&M's can fit in my mouth at one time.

"Well for one," Owen pauses as I almost choke. "The fire people all have issues with spontaneously combusting. They just randomly set things on fire and have actually killed some people. The burn wounds are worse than a normal fire, it's like the damage is magnified by twenty -"

I shift uncomfortably, inching away as he talks. Owen stops and looks at me. "You're afraid of fire?"

"Maybe." I sit back down cautiously. "A little bit."

Owen shakes his head. "Well you picked a heck of a kid to be your boyfriend."

"Coal's not my boyfriend." I object. I love him, but he's not my boyfriend. Big difference.

"Tell that to Terra." Owen replies.

"Tell me what?" I turn as Terra comes in with Audrey and Rian behind her. Stella follows more slowly. "Tide, you're awake! Guess what? We found Izila by your fancy ice sculpture beacon thing and the plan worked and Coal is gonna be okay! But he's in a coma thing right now and almost set me on fire. He keeps talking in his sleep too. Won't stop calling your name. You can't go in there though, it's too hot and he'll probably burn you."

"Where is he?" I ask after sorting through all that information, faking apathy.

"On the third level, room three." Terra responds without thought. "Hey," she opens a cabinet. "Who ate the M&M's?"

I swallow the last few bits of candy and slide the wrapper behind me inconspicuously.

"Tide did." Owen doesn't look up.

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