We Are Still Not Alone

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The guy’s name is Rico. He’s 17. He leads us down some alleyways, through narrow passages between buildings and finally to a small, old, run-down warehouse. I set Coal down. He had protested at first when I dragged him up and stayed right next to him, but I refused to let him out of my sight and he eventually gave up. Rico walks over to a loudly whirring fridge in the corner. He comes back with drinks and a bunch of food. I stare coldly at him, even though my mouth is watering.

    “The rest of the gang is getting medical stuff.” He mutters. “Sheesh.”

I nod curtly, and snatch the bag of potato chips.

    “Have you been starved or something?” Rico asks, watching me choke the chips down. They taste so good.

    “You could say that,” Coal grabs the soda, popping the lid by holding the can between his knees. His arm is still bleeding, though thankfully I'm pretty sure the bullet only hit the skin.

    “You said something about someone looking for us,” I sit down on the ground. “Care to explain that?”

Rico hesitates. I give him a look and slowly grab a water bottle. He glances nervously down at it and I can tell he’s regretting bringing that out. I mean, seriously, how dumb can you be? You don’t just give the girl who can control water, water.

    “A lady,” he says. “She came through here a couple of days ago. Asked about some strange kids with some, uh, abilities.”

    “What did she look like?”

    “Tall. Skinny. Like a skeleton.” Rico shudders. “Gave me the creeps. She said her name was, uh, something with an “I”. Izzie maybe.” I feel a bit of relief. I thought for a second that he was talking about Oh’Rian. “She asked specifically about you,” Rico continues. “She said if anything happens with a girl and water, to contact her.”

I tense, squeezing the water bottle tightly. I can see it. The “gang” is probably calling up this lady right now. I shift, getting ready to run.

    “Relax,” says Rico, “Me and the gang, we don’t rat anybody out. We get the struggle.”

I’m pretty sure he didn’t "get the struggle" -at least my struggle- but I felt that he was telling the truth. I still cling to the bottle though. More kids come in through the hole in the wall, carrying supplies. I scowl at the kid who shot Coal. He ducks his head. I watch as the smaller girl, I think she’s Rico’s sister, patches up Coal’s arm. She has skill with medics. Her hands run gently over the wound, bandaging it carefully.

    “Did she mention any other people?” I turn back to Rico.

    “She did say something about a blonde girl with blue eyes, but that could still be you,” He responds.

I nod, though I have a disturbing feeling that it’s Breeze the woman was talking about. Rico shouts to someone and he gets up, striding away with this whatcha gonna do about it? attitude in his walk. I grab another bag of chips.

We spend the night at the gang headquarters. I don’t want to, and neither does Coal, but we have to. He needs at least some rest after being beaten to a pulp over and over again. The place is surprisingly warm. But I still can’t sleep. It’s like some sort of condition.

I pace quietly around the warehouse. It’s pretty much empty except for some of the kids who didn’t have parents. It was different than being in an orphanage. Yes, these kids went to sleep every night without a mom and dad, but they still had a family. The rest of the gang was their family.

I finally walk outside. I need the space. I stop in the dark of the alleyway in front of the street where Coal got shot. The metal from the water tower is still lying there, rocking back and forth in the wind like a shell.

    “You need some air too?” says a soft voice and I jump a little.

The small girl steps out of the shadows. It was like she was a part of them, melting off. She looks different now. Less fragile. The white streaks in her hair gleam in the pale moonlight. Her eyes are sharp, and intelligently pale grey.

    “Yeah, I guess so.” I say.

    “I am Stella,”


She comes up next to me. “You do not get much sleep, do you?”

I turn to her. “How can you tell?”

Stella laughs, short and silvery. “You are not the only one with special powers.”

    “You’re an Elemental too?” I ask incredulously.

    “Yes,” she says, “I think it is the moon. All those legends about healing and such.” The way she talks, it’s weird, she doesn’t use contractions. “I am not sure though. I mean,” she shrugs, “I can hide in the shadows and no one will see me, and that is not very moon-like.”

    “Maybe it’s the night.” I suggest. What would that be a sub-element of?

    “That would make sense,” Stella nods. “I can tell how much someone has slept,” She motions to me, “And I can see what people are dreaming too.”

I look at her.

    “Your friend dreams a lot about you.” She says, reading my mind. “He is scared of hurting you.” I don’t say anything. “You dream of your friends.” Stella continues. “You want to protect them all. It distresses you that you cannot.”

I shift restlessly. Stella is bringing back the worries of the others full force.

    “I am sorry,” she says, touching my arm gently, “I did not mean to upset you.”

    “It’s fine.” I say. I can just hope she doesn’t know what else I’m thinking. We stand there, lost in thought. It isn’t awkward though, just silent. I like Stella. She is thoughtful, and knows what she is doing. “Does Rico know?” I ask.

    “I have not told my brother,” she says, confirming my earlier assumption. “But he suspects.”

I lean against the wall. “Will Coal be okay?”

She smiles knowingly, revealing pure white teeth. I hate how obvious my emotions are. “He is fine. Do not worry.”

I look out into the street. I feel somewhat safe here. You wouldn’t think it, but I don’t fear anything, and I trust Stella and Rico.

    “You should sleep.” Stella says. “You will need it for the journey tomorrow.”

I go to say that I’m not tired, but I feel exhausted. I have a feeling Stella had something to do with this sudden change, but I just nod and go back into the alley.

    “Tide,” Stella says and I pause. “Could you not mention this to anyone?”

    “Sure,” I reply. “But maybe you should tell your own brother.”

She stays quiet. I glance behind me and vaguely see her outline melting into the shadows. I head back to the warehouse. As soon as I lie down, my eyes close immediately and I’m asleep.

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