We Are Not Alone

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I wake up slowly, and an ache enters my brain. My arm hurts, where the tranquilizer dart went in. My mouth feels like it's full of fuzz. I sit up sorely. My muscles are cramped. I see bursts of light off to my left. I look over a see Coal repeatedly blasting the walls with fire.

I'm in cell. It's about 10 feet all around. It's like the classic jail, with a barred door and a large lock requiring an equally huge key. The wall I share with Coal is made of this weird white-ish, clear stuff. It looks like glass, but is obviously refusing to melt against Coal's attacks. I touch it. It feels cool, like it's got an invisible freezing system running through it.

"Coal?" I try, seeing if he can hear me.

Coal pauses for a second, glancing at me, and keeps attacking the wall. I pound the glass or whatever it is. He ignores me and throws fireballs at the circular door.

"Coal!" I yell at him.

He still pays no attention.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry okay?"

He stops. "Well, we're in. Are you happy?" He growls. His eyes are full of hate, for me or for this place I have no idea.

I realize I underestimated these people. The wall is fire proof and my cell has no water. I sit down. "I thought-"

"Thought what? That the walls would be made of wood? That they'd just hand you some water if you asked nicely?" he snarls, each word jabbing me in the side like a needle. "Well, guess what Tide?" I flinch when he uses my real name. "You can't make water!"

I stand up. I start running around the cell as fast as I can. Coal is looking at me, more confused now than angry.

"What are you doing?"

I don't answer. I just keep running, moving as much as I can. I sprint to the back wall of the cell and jump up onto the bench. Then I sprint back and do it again.

"Are you okay?" Coal is by the shared wall now, watching me.

Sprint and jump. Sprint and jump. I keep doing it over and over again.

"Tide, what are you doing?"

"Making water!" I reply as beads of sweat run down my face. I flick them off and go to the door.

I check to see if anyone is there in the room. Nobody. They must have plenty of faith in their prison systems. I fill the key hole with water and freeze it. I hear the click as I turn the ice key and the door slides open soundlessly. I slide out and shuts it behind me.

I walk over to the door to Coal's cell. It has a more complicated key shape so it takes me a little longer to find the right fit. The door is slightly stuck, because it's designed to be airtight. I yank it open. Coal is still standing with his hands pressed against the wall by my cell. He looks over, mouth slightly open, like he's surprised that I came.

"Come on!" I say to him.

He nods, as if breaking out of a daze. Coal comes over and I dash out to the exit. We walk cautiously down the corridor. Everything is either white or an ugly beige color.

"This way," Coal whispers, pointing to another passage to the right.

I don't question. We hurry down to the end of the hallway where a large, heavy looking door is. I test the handle. Surprisingly, it's unlocked. I squeeze inside and then stop.

The room is huge-we must be underground for it to fit. A catwalk runs along the edge, with a hole in the middle looking down into another area. Along the catwalk are about five cells, two on each side and one on the end. I carefully peek over the balcony railing.

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