Chapter 1

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As I saw Berk, I was amazed and awe. I heard that Dragons are now in Peace, and I had to be cautious.

As a little girl, I was told that Dragons are dangerous creatures and will attack on sight.

But someone shown me that Dragons weren't dangerous.

As I was thinking, a dark brown Night Fury came flying towards me and our ship.

The Night Fury stares at me with his green eyes, trying to decide I was an enemy or not.

"I'm not an enemy! But I came to warn you!" I said.

He looked at Berk straight ahead then flew towards Berk as if that was his home.

We followed the mysterious Night Fury as I saw Stoick the Vast waiting at the Docks.

"Ah, Camicazi! What brings you to Berk?" He asks me.

"Something has happened, Stoick. Something that I need your help with." I said to the Chief of Berk.

As I followed the Chief I noticed the same Night Fury!

He was staring at me.

"All right, Hiccup, you had to transform back, son." Stoick said calmly.

Wait, that's his Son?!?

The Night Fury transforms into a young boy with brown hair and green eyes and he has a peg left leg.

"Dad, what is going on?" He asks.  


I landed to see a girl I never seen before. Apparently she is around my age and she knew my father.

I transformed from a Night Fury into my human form and walked towards them with confused expression.

"Dad, what is going on?" I asked the Chief.

The girl seems to be stunned to see me for the first time.

"I-I" She started to say , but she seems to be speechless. I still don't know if I can trust her just yet.

"Hiccup, this is Camicazi. She is a friend of the tribe. Camicazi, allow me to introduce you to my son, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third."  Dad said.

She said, "I didn't know that you and Valka had a child!" She clamped her mouth, but it was too late.

"My... mother?" I asked in total surprise. I heard stories about my mother ever since I can remember, but I never met her.

Camicazi blushed, "Uh, forget I said that. What I didn't know of how Dragons living here in Berk?!? I thought that Dragons were forbidden in Berk."

I said, "Um... It was a year ago, and Stoick accepted Dragons since." I really don't want to tell her about me being the Dragon Prince yet. I had to make sure that I can trust her.

' What if she is an enemy and tried to get information about my powers? I had to keep an eye on her." I thought.

"What brings you way out here to Berk?" I asked Camicazi, grew suspious.

"A man is attacking our village and he is called Drago."

My father's eyes widen as if he had heard his name before.

"That's impossible! He was banished!"

"And he is seeking for revenge." She added, "That's why I came here to warn you. He's on his way here as we speak."

That's when I knew it was time for the Dragon Prince to take action.

"Camicazi, you stay here with my father. I'll go get the other Riders and find him ourselves."

"You really think you can handle him?!? You're part Night Fury! How you going to handle someone like Drago?"

"I've dealt much worse than you ever imagined." I replied as I used the Dragon Prince Powers and flew away in a speed of light.


Ever since Hiccup and I been through a lot together, we been best friends for a year.

It felt weird of having my own body again, and not sharing one is overwhelming.

Astrid sees me and asked, "Toothless, what's wrong?"

I sighed then looked at the young Viking. It was no wonder of how Hiccup had grown feelings for her.

She's smart, independent, and very beautiful.

"Sorry, I was thinking about what has happened during the past year, that's all."  I explained to her.

She touches the scar that Hiccup accidently scratched her when she first found out about him being the Dragon Prince.

"I know what you mean, Toothless. It is hard to believe that actually happened. I felt like it was all of a horrible nightmare that I wanted to wake up from."

As I was about to reply, I see Hiccup.

"Hiccup!"    I said, happily, but I see my best friend's expression.

It had the same expression when we faced the Dragon Queen in her lair for the first time.

"What is it?" Astrid asks him, very curious of his actions.

"We have a new problem." He said, grimly.

I groaned, "Here we go again..."

Author's note: What you guys think of this first chapter? Find out soon! - Jan

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