MBTI Types Making a Play
- assistant director
- helps with prop making
- finds a use for all the weird gadgets INTP makes
- the director
- plans everything out to the dot
- creeps up on people practicing their lines and offering criticism
- prop controller/builder
- literally can design the coolest props that like actually do stuff and things
- doesn't get credit for half the stuff they do
- wants to be director but ends up playing the weird annoying nerd in the cast
- tries to make everything fun, but is not taken very seriously
- goes around helping everyone instead of practicing lines, somehow has it all memorized by the time they have to speak
- brought cupcakes but no one noticed :/
- ended up eating all of them with ENTP and ISFJ
- omg brought cookies for everyone on set
- main character
- can deliver long speeches with emotion and rawness
- a pretty major character, quiet off set but loud on set
- quiet and shy character
- everyone thinks that INFP will struggle while delivering line, but they do it awesomely and surprise everyone
- goes around helping other people with their lines and the prop section
- main character's goofy bff
- makes jokes on set
- pairs up with ENTP to make everything fun, but gets disregarded
- pretty shy, but then surprises everyone by being awesome while delivering their lines
- helps with ISFP in drawing and making costumes
- accidentally never got the cookie but got a cupcake from INFJ
- wanted to bring cookies but nah
- also really good with their lines
- gossip ;)
- practices their part perfectly
- flawless execution of dialogues
- gets on no one's nerves ever
- has a pretty major role as the villain's evil BFF
- actually goes around and makes sure people are doing their thing
- gets angry when people aren't doing their thing
- the singing character
- actually makes everything fun
- way too much energy
- costume designer
- actually drew everyone's character
- very independent person
- helps INTP with props
- can repair anything, and will
- has a minor role in the play but doesn't really care
- main character's love interest
- really good actor; can make people cry and then laugh about it afterwards
- pranks and jokes on set

MBTI things
SonstigesBasically all of the posts will be taken off of (mostly) Tumblr, or other social media applications, so therefore a majority of the posts will probably not be made up by me. -If I ever literally have one chapter that's a repeat, just say it. -Rated...