Questions the MBTI types have for ENTP

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Questions the MBTI types have for ENTP

ENTJ- Why the fuck are your dishes in the sink again? I know you don't mind living in filth, but you don't have to subject the rest of us to your bullshit.

INTJ- Do you ever shut the fuck up? That was rhetorical, you have proven time and time again that you do not.

ENTP- How are you so perfect, you beautiful bastard?

INTP- Which should I read first: the Satanic Bible or Essential Astrophysics?

INFJ- Why haven't you called the doctor yet? You were supposed to call three weeks ago! You are a very special friend to me, so your health is of the utmost importance...

ENFJ- Did you use a condom last night? I can't believe you hooked up with that guy, he could have been a murderer...

INFP- Why are you so loud? It's hard to find the perfect picture for this Yuri on Ice aesthetic board with you yelling about aliens all the time...

ENFP- Do you want to go to the reptile store with me to pick out a new pet? I'm not sure what I'm going to get, but I have a five gallon tank full of sand and I'm particular to the name Phillis.

ESFJ- Are you being sarcastic? I mean I don't think you think I'm a "stupid fucking bitch" for making you cookies, but I just want to be sure...

ISTJ- How are you even alive right now? I watched you consume 16 shots of tequila and 6 Doritos Locos Tacos last night. That's more tacos and shots than I've had in my entire life.

ESTJ- Can you please try to be on time for our lunch tomorrow? I have a job interview at 12:30 which will probably last 30 minutes and I've scheduled a study session for myself at 1:30, so we have exactly 30 minutes to complete our socialization and food. I also picked out an outfit for you and laid it on your bed, so you have no excuse!

ISFP- Have you fed your fish today? If you kill another fish, I will never forgive you.

ESFP- Want to try to go to that edm concert tonight? It's been sold out for weeks, but I know the bouncer and I think we could flirt our way in...

ISFJ- Will you please start writing your paper? It really stresses me out to watch you struggle to write 13 pages in 5 hours...

ISTP- Wanna get high?

ESTP- Dude, you wanna jump in the pool from the roof? I was about to do it, but I feel like if you do it too, it will be less dangerous.

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