MBTI as Shit I've Done
INTJ: Became known as the best speller in my 3rd grade class and demanded that if someone wanted a word spelled they had to greet me with "Genius" and bow their heads like the frickin godfather
ENTJ: Convinced everyone on a field trip to this science center that rock candy was actually real rocks that would clog your intestines and offered to "properly dispose" of them so every single person in class gave me their candy
INTP: Slept through 80% of my 9 am Astronomy lecture, got an A on the midterm while my friend who took notes every day got a B
ENTP: Put off a 9 month project until the last day, learned to bake medieval bread in 3 hours and wrote a paper about it, printed it out 20 minutes before class and presented it along with a powerpoint titled "Bready or Not: Here I Crumb"
INFJ: Convinced my friends I was psychic, then tried to predict how much change my friend had in her pocket, magically got it right, then thought I was actually psychic and went crying to my mom bc i was afraid of my own power
ENFJ: Baked a huge chocolate cake with "go gay" written on it with icing and brought it to school the next day for a friend who had been dumped by a girl
INFP: Wrote a fable in 7th grade about a girl with a deformity who had the power to dream up magical worlds and then went to live in one, then the teacher called my parents and i realized it looked like i actually wrote a story about a deformed girl locked in the basement who then got beaten to death by her parents
ENFP: Brought my pet fish to school in his tank, then took him out to recess and accidentally dropped the poor bastard and his tank down a huge dirt hill
ISFJ: In 2nd grade, gave my pet tarantula Aragog a big bug that my dad caught for him to eat as a special birthday treat, but it turned out to be a tarantula wasp and it laid eggs inside my pet and killed him and I cried for like two days
ESFJ: We had a project in 6th grade where we had to write nice things anonymously under every student's name, wrote "self-centered" under one girl's name and got the project cancelled, then started a rumor that that very girl had written "girly" under another boy's name and it was her fault
ESTJ: In elementary school, we had a "reading hour" in which we read a storybook of our choice to our peers. I chose a book that had nothing in it but the world's longest word, a 189,000 letter amino acid, and forced everyone to listen to me
ISTJ: Did homework once
ISFP: Decided to be emo in 8th grade and demanded my mom take me to Hot Topic for a new wardrobe, but she saw right through me and I complained for hours about how she expected me to be emo with clothes from walmart
ESFP: Came to school on april fool's day in 7th grade in a short black wig with a bag full of fake cockroaches and teamed up with my friend to put an actual real dead snake in a girl's backpack to embarrass her at lunch
ISTP: Built an exact scale replica of a surburban family home out of toothpicks and glue in 7 hours, then lit that shit on fire just to see what arson would be like
ESTP: Lit a toaster on fire trying to make smores and grabbed the burning toaster with rubber gloves and tossed it out the window onto the concrete patio, smashing it to bits

MBTI things
SonstigesBasically all of the posts will be taken off of (mostly) Tumblr, or other social media applications, so therefore a majority of the posts will probably not be made up by me. -If I ever literally have one chapter that's a repeat, just say it. -Rated...