Chapter 22

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Maven and I've got a plan going.

Being in the Silver courtroom gives me an unique sense of déjà vu. I'm beginning to think that the nobles are starting to get frustrated that Maven and I are pushing to get Cal back. All they need is their Silver King, and they're happy. For the most part. Maven has told me that he's been threatened before. That he's heard the rumours and gossip being whispered behind doors. They spread like frost on a chilly morning, but disappear just as soon as the sun's fiery rays hit them. Yet the thing is, the fiery rays are coming from Maven in the form of flames.

That, he tells me, is one of the reasons that he lost the will to be a king before. After Cal and I had left, he began to hear sneaking whispers, discussing how to overthrow the King. They wormed into his mind just as his mother's thoughts had, and poisoned him all the same.

He began to lose interest in ruling for those very reasons.

The Lakeland Queen Lilith is back in the room again, yet she knows that she isn't in trouble. If she will be helping us. As usual, Marcus Lerolan and Evangeline Samos went to go fetch her. I've seen the two together in times other then when they're getting the Queen, recently.

"We have received a letter from King Terrell of the Lakelanders," Maven announces. Part of me despises that he acts another person in the court room, the person that all of the Nortans have come to know. Sometimes, my foolish mind believes that this is his true form. Cold and detached, he is the face of authority that nobody would want to cross.

Around me, he's gentler.

Queen Lilith looks up from her disinterested stance, clearly fascinated by the thought of her husband writing to the king of the enemy. I've noticed that she's a little more comfortable than she was before, yet she still has the sense not to ask what the letter says directly. Her eyes are imploring, and her beauty still makes some of the Silver men swoon.

"This letter informs me that King Terrell knows we have his wife. He wants her back, and he says that he will trade anything," my heart jumps at the latter word, "but the Prince for her. He says that he enjoys having the Prince with him, and it may be a while.... before he comes back."

All hopes that I may have had at the beginning of the letter are immediately erased. Even Maven knows that there will be no way to negotiate around this. Enjoys having the Prince? What on earth does that mean? Surely they can't be doing anything to him that will hurt him. "Why don't we negotiate with something that is a promise? Not something that we can possess. I'd say that Norta has a good enough economy, anyway. Why don't we try to ask for peace between our two countries?"

"Lady Mare has taken the words out of my mouth," the King responds. He named all of us Sirs and Ladies after fighting with the Lakelanders. Though he didn't make it as extravagant as his predecessors did before him, he still filmed it live on television.

I wonder if Cal saw it. If Cal saw that I am truly a lady. Not Lady Mareena, an actress in Elara's game. Lady Mare Barrow, the newblood Red who fought the Lakelanders for her country. I can truly be proud of my achievements now that they are under my true name. Maven knows my delight, and frequently mentions the title with a gleam in his eye.

Snapping my thoughts away from Cal, I continue my thoughts aloud. Frankly, I don't mind that the Queen of the Lakelanders is here when I explain. "Part of bringing peace could also be getting Ca—," I swallow back his name carefully, "the Prince back."

Around me, Silvers begin to mutter. Fantastic. Now they're actually trying to give me a chance. I suppose if they don't, then Maven will get mad. I can almost feel Cal's presence, watching over us as we plan to get him out of the prison. I wonder if he's been imprisoned before, besides when Maven was our captor.

"Alright then, Lady Mare. It seems like a plan you've got there." An elderly General is speaking. By the looks of the scars on his face, I presume that he's already been through a lot of situations like this before. "The Lakelanders love their formality, and King Maven could bring the Queen to them. Meanwhile, another group could go fetch the Prince from the prison. Considering our numbers, it shouldn't be too hard to break in."

He glances at me quickly, and raises his eyebrows subtly. He was one of the men who was in favour of getting Cal. "That sounds wonderful, sir. Who would be interested in being part of that job - breaking into the prison?" The whole concept is just like the Corros break in, and I can only hope that the men there are less trained than the Nortans.

The numbers aren't as high as I presumed that they would be. The Scarlet Guard members, the King and I - as usual - are up to getting their friend back. Darcy is too, and I know that it might not just be for Cal, but for Laila too. The scarred General agrees, and so do some of his other associates in the military. Although she is one of the last ones to put her name in, Evangeline raises her hand with a scowl. So does Lerolan.

In total, we have twenty three members of the Silver nobility agreeing to help. That doesn't even include the other soldiers that Cal was working with. His friends.

"There is still a letter to be read," Maven announces, pulling out another sheet of paper from the envelope that was sent from the Lakelanders. It isn't as pristine as the one that the King sent, and I can see a few winkles where it appears to have been crumpled.

"It is from the Prince. I would like Lady Mare to read it before anyone else does."

"Thank you," I whisper softly. As I am handed the letter from Maven, I take it as gently as possible. If this letter is the only way for me to connect with Cal, then I must treat it like it has a piece of him in it. Unfolding the edges, I begin to scan over the contents.

I note that there are a couple spots where the ink has leaked across the perfectly formed letters, marring what would be the ideal letter. Shock courses within me, and I hope that the writer of this letter is alright. On the outside, the letter is perfect and princely. On the inside: bleeding, perfect thoughts blending into one another until they're illegible...

The words still sit unread in front of me, and I decide to focus on them.

To the King of Norta and whomever it may concern,
King Terrell has given me wonderful accommodations in Lakeland. I would almost stretch to say that they are better than the ones that I usually occupy in Norta. There is a wonderful view from the room in which I sleep in.
I have made friends here, and they are great company. We can always talk about things if we want to.
Do not come and get me. I am happy here.
Yours ever, Tiberias VII Calore.

My mind begins to whirl, and the Queen has a satisfied smirk on her face. If I was beside her, I would definitely slap it off. I stand up hastily, but not to hurt the Queen. The nerves of the woman - she knows. It's a hoax, a lie, a stupid lie to persuade us to leave him there. There's no way that he actually wants to stay there.

Hateful thoughts swirl around my brain, taunting me. Screaming and cackling and laughing at my ignorance. Telling me just what I don't want to hear.

Or does he?

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