Chapter 40

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Adorned in a wedding dress and an engagement ring firm on my finger, I feel ready.

Cal proposed that we had weddings together, on the same day. The suggestion alone made Xena squeal, and her brother even cracked a smile at the thought. From what I know, neither of them have ever been to a wedding. Especially not a dual wedding with their companions.

Arrangement after arrangement was formed, both official and personal. Maven and I decided that we wanted to have Shailey, Xena, Farley, and Gisa as our bridesmaids. If Maven had any family besides his brother, I would've included them. But Maven insisted that I had my female family members and friends as our bridesmaids. The page boy will be Shade, as Bronx refused the offer.

Atessa and I will still serve as bridesmaids for each other, and the Calore brothers the other's best man. Even though some of the Silvers rolled their eyes at the idea of the King attempting to charm the general public, the Nortans are overjoyed at the prospect of both of the Calore brothers marrying off. Except a couple of the Silver females who are too green for their fancy dresses.

The low point of it all was when I spotted a sign in one of the live broadcasts that we were watching. The Calore brothers do not deserve strange murderer hybrids and rejects found in enemy's land. Find them someone else! Even Atessa was shocked at the gall of the people who seemed to want to bring down our happiness.

Maven was the only person who consoled me about it. There could be a sign that says you and Atessa do not deserve Calore brothers. Just ignore it and you'll see what I mean. Given that he is reportedly one of the most controversial Kings, it makes sense that he would have advice on this topic.

I can't turn back now, nor do I want to. I promised Maven of our marriage when I accepted the engagement ring.

Callista and Gisa have volunteered to help me in my hairstyle, as I cannot do my hair effectively to save my life. No makeup, as per my rules. Never again will I go back to the time when I had to wear pale gunk to make me appear like the lost Silver that I was meant to be. The grey ends of my hair have become frail, so I had them shortened so that I only have an inch of the discoloured ends left.

We are getting married as a simple couple in a dress suit and a simple dress. My hair is pulled into a knot, and I'm leaving it as that.

"Five minutes, Lady Mare," Darcy says, face peeking through the door. "Lady Atessa and King Cal will be going first, so you will be acting as a bridesmaid during this time. I can say nothing else, but: enjoy your day, Mare. You've had a hard time coming to this moment, so relish in it as much as possible."

I blush, his words easing my throbbing heart. Darcy winks, and departs to wherever he came from. I've had a hard time coming. Had I guessed who I would be engaged to a year ago, I would've thought differently. Presently, I can't think of it being any other way than it is right now.

"Darcy's right, Mare," Xena says. "This is your big day. Don't think about the future, or the past. Live in the present. I don't know whether or not my love life will work out. I can't think about a future that I'm not certain about. All I can do is be the best I can for the moment, and hope he notices me."

Gisa's eyes widen, but she says nothing. Her hair looks flawless in the bright light, shining like the embers of her spirit. My little sister, the main source of envy for me when I was younger, reaches forward to give me a hug. She's careful not to crease my dress. "I'll be cheering you on, Mare."

When I step out of preparation room, my hands begin to shake. In an hour, you'll be Mrs. Calore. Cal and Atessa appear to be debriefing everything with each other, heads bent with concentration. Maven is nowhere to be seen. My panic tenfolds as the music begins to play for the bride to enter into the large open hall.

It is only then that he steps out in a rush to take Atessa's arm to walk up the aisle. My mother has already taken her seat in the front row, and my brothers are already standing up at the front of the room. My father agreed to let Cal walk me down. Atessa does not have any direct family, as her parents died in a war. I've never asked her whether she has any siblings.

Now it is Cal's turn to walk up the aisle, heads turning as their new King traverses the carpet that all royals walk upon when being married. Nobody notices the Silver who is going to be sealing the vows. One Silver woman swoons as he passes, but Cal takes no notice of her.

It was arranged so that I would walk down the aisle with Shailey and Shade, who are in awe of the room that we're in. I can see why. There are glittering chandeliers on the roof, and depictions of the kings and queens of the past. To my delight, there is also a wall for the princes and princesses.

Taking the twins' hands, I smooth my dress down one more time before taking a step into the spotlight. A multitude of cameras begin to flash, and I don't know where I should be turning towards. Each one is enticing, their energies and flashing colours varying.

Everything becomes a blur as I try to focus on looking presentable for my own wedding. Atessa looks stunning as she walks down the aisle in her gauzy wedding dress, but my focus is on Maven. As we discussed, he is wearing a simple suit. Only one or two of his self earned medals are featured on his person. His eyes do not leave mine, except when his brother gives his vows.

Then it is our turn.

My heart thumps as the cameras turn back to me, walking down the aisle once more so that I can be united with Maven. Atessa takes the twins, and I stare at the golden band around her ring finger whose likeness I will soon be donning. Gold will not tarnish or rust, and I hope that the relationships today will not do those things either.

Atessa will soon have a crown to wear, as she is now the Queen of Norta.

Cal takes my arm gently while Maven looks onward, grinning at the cameras. He is not worried about keeping up his appearance, and neither am I. "You've got this, Mare," he whispers softly.

I grin before he lets go and places my hand into Maven's. The younger Calore brother squeezes it gently before facing the Silver. Everything that the officiant says to me is a blur until I hear the silence. "I do." I pause before thinking of what I should say next. "Maven, don't let anyone ever tell you that I don't love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens between us. Always remember that." With those words, I slip the cool band onto his ring finger.

Maven's grin is all that matters, and he too seems to disregard everything that the Silver says. We both know it, and we will always look after each other, and only each other. His voice breaks through the peacefulness. "I do. Mare, I will always look after you as you have done for me. During the hardest time in my life, you showed me the light that there is to live for."

The hand that was lingering on mine repeats my actions from a moment before, sliding the wedding ring on top of my engagement ring. Only a month or so ago, I didn't have any rings. "You may now kiss the bride."

And then we kiss.

A/N: Thank you for reading! Unfortunately, this fanfic is beginning to wrap up. I want to say thank you to all of my readers: the voters, the commenters, the silent readers. I have one last reader input section. Now that both of the couples are married, I'm looking for some children names. I have one or two in mind, but I would love some reader ideas! Please comment if you want me to do any specific one shot scenes. Thank you!

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