Okay. (for him)

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Feeling broken is not something you can control something you can turn on and off like a switch
It controls you
You don't control it
When you feel broken there is nothing that can fix it immediately
Only tears
That is until they run out
Then all you must do is breathe

It hurts to love you and I don't think you know how much it hurts
How much it hurts to love you
To hear your voice
To see your face
To kiss you
can you tell me
Tell me why it hurts
I just want to know
Why does it hurt so much

In my mind I wanted to tell you when I first met you
How you would change my life
But you already knew that didn't you?
Cause with in minutes you unlocked the deepest secrets of my heart and now you're able to read them
here where I keep them hidden
That is if you actually read these
which I doubt you do
I guess in a way
It was hard for me to write
when you came into my life
Maybe it was because I was in love
And I was happy
But I should have known
and I wanted to tell you
That I know with time it would hurt
And I wanted to tell you how maybe you would end up here
In this book I'm writing
But I think you know that now
Cause this book is only full of mostly the sad parts

If I told you how I felt
would you really care?
If I told you what I saw
what would you say?
Would you say anything?
If I told you I was hurt
would you try to help me heal?
If I told you, you were the one that hurt me
What would you do?
Your love was more then I could handle
Now I'm alone laying on the floor trying to catch my breath and I'm tired
Of the stale air
Help me breath and I'll pour out my heart to you
But I already did and now all I'm left with is pain

I feel like I can't breath I guess I forgot love does that to people

He was reaching out
He was scared
and He was alone
He needed help
He couldn't breath
He was drowning
But the world ignored him
When he was screaming
But no one could hear him
He needed help
Maybe that's all it was
Maybe he'd still be here today
If it wasn't for all the foolish things that world did to him
Maybe if we had made him somehow feel less alone he'd still be alive today to feel the warmth of the sun
But because he's gone the sun seems less bright and everything is covered in shadows
The stars don't seem to come out at night
And that's when I sit on my roof looking at the sky wishing he was still there to sit with me and enjoy it
I miss his laugh
And I miss his smile
Even when he was sad
Tell me how can you heal from something like that
How can you possibly move on

Do you know what it's like to hurt the person you love, how it feels, to know you might lose someone you really love cause of some stupid mistake, how going from feeling nothing suddenly feels like the world is on your shoulder how you feel like crying and how everything including your heart hurts, but you just have to get through it right? Pretend like nothing hurts even though you're dying inside, pretend everything's ok when you feel like you're losing everything including your sanity, that hurts, and even when the one person that promises not to leave starts to, you feel completely empty inside, then what do you do? Find a new person? Even though the person you had was irreplaceable, it hurts... it all hurts, I feel so lost now, I think I'm losing my mind.

Sometimes I forget just how easily words can be faked in the name of love

He wrote me and texted me
These long novelties explaining his love for me
It wasn't until I was able to see that I was hurt
And I knew sometimes actors
Create lies and bend things
That's why they're actors that's what they do
He lied to me and acted out the words as if he did love me
But that's all it ever was a play a show
An opera
And when it ended the character I played in his life died a sad painful death
His last breath drew of heartbreak

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