Verse VI - Sanctuary

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Nova had a dream. The sky was full of dark clouds, lightning shot down from the clouds seconds at a time. This was more than a storm. She stood by herself. The ground was cracked, and within the cracks, there was just a vague white background. Like if you were to fall into the void, you'd fall for an eternity. She sensed a beast behind her, she quickly turned around to find a man in front of her. He was laughing really loud as his head was hung low. He stopped laughing when he flung his head up and looked at her. His eyes were dark red and his lips were cut upward to where he had a bigger smile than usual, a smile forced upon him. His blood spilled, it was black. But he began to scream when he fell on his knees. His body had begun to be consumed by his black blood, to where his whole body had become black apart from his red eyes. His laugh became crazier. His teeth grew sharp, cutting its way through his mouth as if he was mutating into some kind of beast. He screamed but laughed as the pain of the mutating seemed to pleasure him. Nova panicked as she saw his black blood shuffling their way toward her. She tried to back up, but her legs wouldn't move. She was completely frozen as the black blood would begin to fuse with her legs, heading up her torso and finally consuming all of her. She sounded as though she was crying when she had closed her eyes. She sniffed, but she began to laugh slowly. More crazy as she opened her eyes and her red eyes shined brightly. 

Nova screamed as her body flung up. She was panting heavily, gasping for any air she could get as she looked around the room she was in. It was a cozy room, one she had never seen, apart from the room she had at the factory. She laid on a bed, she felt that it was comfortable. An end table sat next to the bed with a lamp, a picture of a tree with a flower close up to the camera as it took the shot and a souvenir teddy bear that held business cards. She was pale, and she was still panting heavily as when the business cards caught her attention. 

She picked one up and read it out loud, "Escape from the chaos of the world with the Sanctuary Inn, exclusive to the Village of Tilda's Old Life, or simply Tilda. Please enjoy your stay!" 

She tilted her head, confused as to what an 'inn' was actually. She had assumed that it was a typo or something, so she didn't give it much though. She placed the business card aside as she looked on the other side of the room, seeing a couch with Atreyu's black sweater tossed on it. She felt a little relieved seeing that, knowing he had been around, but she didn't know where she was. So she stood up and decided to walk to the door and open it. 

The brightness of the sun's morning light shined in her face, making her narrow her eyes to reflect some of it. Some people had walked by her, one even wished her a good morning as he raised his hat in kindness. She smiled at him, but she was still confused. She anxiously stepped away from the inn and headed up the trail. It seemed circular, as she would occasionally pass by some people, even some kids where were running around playing and shooting water at each other with some sort of water gun contraption she did not understand.

She appeared to have arrived at the town plaza. Many markets were opened, and many people were shopping around and talking as if there was no trouble in the world. She wondered if this is how the world was in the past, she heard very little about it from records in the factory. But they were mostly scraps, vague invaluable information. 

          "Hey! She's awake!" A man shouted from one of the markets. 

Nova glanced at the voice, seeing a man wave at her and gestured her to come to him. She approached him cautiously. 

          "Looks like you recovered quite well. And quicker than that doc had expected. Typical." He exclaimed as he worked on sharpening a blade. 

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