Verse VI - The Will of Sacrifice

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Atreyu kicked open the front doors of the castle and proceeded to run outside, with Nova still in his arms. Behind him, he could hear some of Drakkar's men shouting toward him and chasing after him. Drakkar and Blaze stared out the second floor of the castle, looking down at the flooding of men running after Atreyu. There were a ton of men, but somehow Atreyu kept running.

          "That boy is persistent," Drakkar whispered, as he walked away from the window.

Blaze kept her eyes toward the outside, letting Drakkar walk off. Momentarily, she saw that Drakkar exited the castle after all of the men. They all ended up capturing Atreyu, after he had collapsed on the ground and dropped Nova on the ground. He shouted as he tried to reach out for Nova, but four of Drakkar's men grabbed him and pulled him away. Atreyu would elbow one of the men off of him, but that only made another swarm of men tackle him down.

          "N-Nova!" Atreyu screamed as the men pulled him up on his knees.

Blaze sighed, watching as all of the commotions occurred outside. She let her head hang low, not noticing Kryptonite had jumped out of her bag and looked outside, gasping from what was going on.

          "What's going on, Lady Blaze!?" Kryptonite looked back at her and shouted.

Blaze spoke hesitantly, "I-... I don't really know. Atreyu is acting odd though."

Drakkar watched as the men brought Atreyu over to him. They kept his arms and legs from moving, so all he could really do is moving his head. But even one of the men gripped his face by grabbing his jaws and forced him to look forward at Drakkar. Drakkar frowned, watching as Atreyu was trying desperately to get out of their grasp. But he quickly stopped due to his own failure, leaving him panting.

          "Did you really think you could betray the Resurrection of Humanity? I told you; if you betray us, I would eliminate you. Did I not?" Drakkar asked, with his harsh tone of voice.

          "N-Nova..." Atreyu grunted, letting his head hang low.

Drakkar pulled out his sword and stabbed Atreyu in the stomach, letting the blade remain in his stomach. He didn't speak, he would just listen to the sudden screams of Atreyu. He let go of the blade, and pulled out his other blade, signaling the men to drop Atreyu on his knees like he was going to eliminate him execution style.

          "I've got to say though, you're admiration is quite impressive. But what has impressed me has also killed you."

Drakkar explained, raising his sword in the air in preparation to off Atreyu's head. But with a large grasp of wind, the men who held Atreyu captive flew back onto the ground, and Drakkar let his sword fly away. He looked down at his stomach where a slash wound was appearing before his eyes, opening up and spilling his blood. He slowly lifted his head and looked forward, where Blaze stood to face away from him and swiping his blood off of the tip of her spear.

          "B-Blaze!" Drakkar screamed as he fell on his knees, holding his open wound closed. "Y-You will regret that!"

Blaze turned her head back, spotting Drakkar behind her. But her facial expression didn't change. She quickly jumped back and blocked the upcoming attack from Atreyu just after he pulled out the blade that was stabbed into his stomach. Blaze held her spear up and blocked each of Atreyu's aggressive slashes, he would repeatedly thrust the blade onto her spear like he was attempting to break her spear In half. But after a while, and showing no success, Blaze kicked Atreyu on his open wound and aimed the tip of her spear at him, keeping her foot on his wound as she would pin him to the ground.

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