Verse XIII - Broken Wings

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Drakkar walked out of the castle and had gone into the field of vision for Nova, Blaze and the rest of them. All of them gasp as they watch him walk out into the open, as he was accompanied by Lilith. Blaze frowned and grabbed her spear as she dashed forward toward the two, but a big shake in the ground stopped her. Curious, the group looked around the courtyard to see what the occurrence was, but they did not find anything. Afterward, the laugh of Drakkar filled the silent air, which quickly gathered the group's attention. 

          "Come forth, my Dragoona," Drakkar whispered.

He raised his hand in the air, and like a command, a strong gust of wind brush upward. It blew against Lilith and Drakkar. Their hair started to go crazy with the wind and Lilith needed to hold her hands downward to keep her dress from revealing herself. It seemed like the two antagonists who summoned the Dragoona were resistant to the powerful winds because Nova and everyone else flew high into the sky. Everyone screamed as they looked down and saw Drakkar and Lilith, who looked like little ants which determined the distance that was between them.

With a bright light that materialized in front of their eyes, a dragon flew out of the light, ripping through the void to create an opening through. After that dragon flew out of the void, another dragon aggressively ripped the opening to the void even more, and the last dragon just flew out more innocently. All the dragons flew through the sky and looked to have begun battling, or had just continued their fight from within the void.

The Dragoona were a more enhanced form of dragons, dragons were mere lackeys to them. The Dragoona are fierce beasts that have immense strength and intelligence, intelligence that would surpass Human intelligence by quite a lot. They were created to rule over this world- at a given time, and that time had appeared to be now.

As the group begun flying back down to the ground, they were forced to dodge the powerful attacks of the Dragoona. There were magical attacks flung their way and also physical attacks that dashed their way, as well. The powerful beasts were trying to establish some domination between the three like they were deciding who would be the one to lead the three, and possibly the world. In history books, there were documents that stated that dragons would use magic to interact with each other, but it was not like they couldn't speak the Queen's tongue, they were smart enough to speak and form words. Magic was, to these people, a foreign language exclusively for the dragons. Magic was not common in this world at all, no one had the capability of using magic. So Humanity thought magic would be what brought the world to an end. And judging from folk legends, tall tales, and children's books, it was to come true.

          "Grab onto the beast's backs!" Kryptonite shouted into the speedy winds.

Everyone nodded their heads and dived toward a Dragoona's back. This was dangerous because the possibility of missing the beast was extremely high. They were able to move their bodies along the given winds, the winds they created from the air around them. It was no form of magic, it was more of air manipulation with the use of their wings. But luckily, everyone was able to grab onto a back of a Dragoona.

Drakkar snapped his fingers and whispered, "Come forth."

As he whispered, the Dragoona took no time to come and crash down into the ground. The world shook ferociously for a few moments as they fell to the ground and stood forth in front of Drakkar. The group took this chance to jump off of their backs and observe the situation.

          "Drakkar! ... What have you done!?" Blaze asked, shouting.

Drakkar chuckled, "What does it look like? I'm about to bring resurrection to Humanity. And these Dragoona are going to assist me." Drakkar explained as he looked up at each of them, "Zephyr, Bastion, and Septimus- I am your God. I am the God of this world-"

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