Verse IX - A Desperate Escape

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There was one undiscovered part of the land. It was cold and it was quite the opposite of the Ancient Desert. The land was called Snowpeak. It had been called Snowpeak even in the old world, and it was known to be the true place in the world that would bring Human waste. The mountain of Snowpeak stretched high and wide, and the ice fogs limited vision for those who dared to travel the frozen lands. It was the perfect place to hide away, according to Amaya.

The frozen temperature brought danger to her people, the last few citizens who survived the mysterious machine invasion within their previous village. Some of the Humans became frozen, and the machines who traveled with them could not move any longer because their machine parts would freeze in place. It was a horrid way to die, the machines had to sit in the cold and wait around to die as they were quickly covered by the passing snow. It was a burden, and it had upset the rest of the travelers, but to the dismay of Amaya, she had forced the survivors to press on.

Jet informed Amaya that they shouldn't trend into the frozen lands too far, but she had heard from the past that an abandoned mansion was sitting on top of a lone hill. A mansion that housed enough room for everyone and then some. The people who had spoken to her about it said they were travelers of the world, and Snowpeak was their most recent trip. They said it was a perilous trip, but the satisfaction of sightseeing unknown territory was beyond pleasurable.

          "Are we almost there, Amaya?" A little boy asked her.

She stopped and had a look around, sighing. Her breath was visible, it was a white patch of fog that materialized from her moving lips.

          "Just a little longer, sweetie," Amaya answered, looking down at the little boy.

Jet scoffed and grabbed Amaya by her upper arm, pulling her away from the group as they started making a campfire. He took her just behind some trees where they could have some privacy.

           "The hell is wrong with you? You bring us to this God forsaken land, the unspeakable land?" Jet whispered at her, but he sounded quite harsh.

          "It will be safe, Jet... If Drakkar really goes through with his plan, then we'll at least be the last ones to fall." Amaya answered, sounded confident in her words but also conflicted.

          "If we can stay alive long enough. This past twenty-four hours, we've seen more of our people die than we had previously. This risk of yours is mighty high."

Amaya frowned, "This mansion, once we find it... Everything can go back to normal..." She spoke, but her voice sounded more conflicted as Jet scoffed at her and turned away from her, "Please, Jet. None of my plans had failed thus far. This place has food, space, defenses... Sanctuary."

Jet quickly pushes her away from him, seeing as she fell to the snowy ground, "To hell with that, Amaya! I've always trusted you on making the right decisions. If it wasn't for my mechanical leg I would be making the decisions around here. I cannot trust myself, I could damn well be as much of a risk as the other machines of being controlled by this Network!"

Amaya screamed silently as she fell to the ground and felt the coldness of the icy snow on her bottom. Though after Jet's argument, they both heard a set of quiet footsteps from the direction of their people. It was a man, and his name was Eerie. He was short, but he was built sort of tough. He was known for being a traveler, the same traveler who had told Amaya about the mansion in the first place. He had travelers clothes on, though his strangeness comes from him wearing a big black trench coat, an eye patch and having his long brown hair up in a ponytail. His trench coat had a hoodie sewn onto it, and the hoodie also came with a cover that could cover his face up to his nose, leaving his eyes to only be exposed.

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