Chapter 4-My Brother Is A Werewolf!!

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Kylie's POV

I was awoken by a noise downstairs I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11. Who the hell is downstairs. I slowly opened my bedroom door I looked to my right and saw nobody as i turned to the left I bumped into someone. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!". "Kylie shut up its me". I squinted my eyes and saw my brother all wet. "What the hell are you doing up at 11 at night and why are you wet?!?" I whispered shouted.

" I was locking up at work when someone was knocking at the door it turned out to be Allison she had ran over a dog and she had it in her trunk since it was raining well I got wet and after I asked her out to Jackson's party and she said yes" he said smiling at the last part.

"Well thats great Scotty we both have dates" I said while walking to my room but Scott grabbed my arm before i could.

"Wait you have a date who?"

"Stiles" i said blushing. "You like him"Scott said. "N-No". "Kylie just admit that you like him" Scott said.

"Ok i like him alright just don't tell him or ill kill you" I said sternly. "Ok, lets just go to bed". And with that i was off to bed.


Uhh i hate that stupid alarm. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:30. It took me about 15 minutes to get out of bed. Finally after taking a quick shower and getting my way downstairs. I begin to think what was I ganna wear for the party i need money. I then got and idea.

~30 minutes later~

Scott finally came downstairs. "hey loving brother of mine did I ever tell you that you are the best brother ever and I love you" I said to Scott while smiling. Scott gave me a confused look then walked towards me and touched my forehead "are you ok your talking really wierd".

"What a girl can't say anything nice to her twin brother".

"Ok Kylie what do you want" Scott said. "Ok fine I need some cash so I can buy an outfit for the party on Friday". "How much do you even need" he said. "$30" I said. "Fine" Scott said. "Thank you" I said.


Stiles POV

After school I came straight home and started doing research. I searched up werewolfs, wolfsbane, silverbulet and more. I continued searching when there was a knock on the door. I quickly opened it and revealed Scott and Kylie "get in".

" you have to look at this, I was up all night reading books looking online..."

"How much aderrall have you had today" Scott said as he took a seat next to Kylie on my bed.

"Thats not the point" I sighed.

"Did they find out who did it" Scott asked.

"No they're still questioning people even Derek Hale" I answered.

"Oh creppy woods guy" Kylie said.

"Yeah, but remember the joke the other night? Not a joke anymore."

Scott just looked completly lost.

"The wolf, the bite in the woods. I started doing all this you even know why a wolf howls."

"No should I" Scott asked.

"Its a signal, when a wolf is alone it howls to signal its location pack" I said.

"A whole pack of wolves" Scott said.

"No werewolves" I said.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this. You know im picking up Allison in an hour" Scott said.

"Scott just listen to Stiles" Kylie said.

"Thank you, look Scott im only trying to help you I saw you on the field. You were incredible. Not to mention you're speed, your reflexes and the hearing. People don't just have these things happen overnight. And don't think I haven't notice you don't need your inhaler anymore" I stated.

"Okay, I can't think about this right now. We'll talk tommorow" Scott said annoyed.

"Tommorow what no the full moon's tonight don't you get it" I yelled.

"What do you want me to do? I just made first line, I have a date with a girl who I can't believe actually wants to go with me. Everything in my life is somewhat perfect! Why are you trying to mess it up" Scott yelled.

"Your cursed Scott" I told him.

"And its not just that the moon will cause you to phyisically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust is at its peek."

"Bloodlust?" Kylie asked.

"His urge to kill" I responded.

"Im already felling an urge to kill a Stiles" Scott said.

"Look your change can be caused by anything that angers you or raises your pulse. Newsflash alright I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison" I said getting Scott's phone.

"What are you doing" Scott said.

"Cancling your date" I said.

"No give it to me" Scott said shoving me against the wall.

"SCOTT" Kylie said trying to pull him back.

"Ahhhh" Kylie screamed as Scott pushed her to the floor.

"What's your problem" I said.

Scott then calmed down and looked around "Im sorry, Im sorry" he said getting his backpack and leaving.

I quickly help Kylie and hugged her "are you alright".

She just hugged me back "yeah" she whispered.

I let go and picked up my chair Scott threw. I saw three claw marks "Kylie look",  "I thought cat had claws". "Yeah".

"So Stiles could I get a ride home so I can get ready"

"Yeah let's go".

~ 1 hour later ~

Kylie's POV

I waiting for Stiles to get here. As on time I hears Stiles honk. I grabbed my bag and made my way outside. When Stiles saw me his mouth dropped. "Hey Stiles" I said putting my seatbelt on.

"Hey Kylie y-you look gourgoes, I mean pretty I mean beautiful." I just laughed. "I should stop talking" Stiles said.

" Its ok and thanks you don't look so bad yourself" I responded. When we made it to the party I grabbed Stiles hand "wanna dance".  "Y-Yeah" he stuttered. I laughed as we made our way to the dance floor Scott came running passed us. "Scott" Stiles says as he ran after him. I ran after but someone grabbed me... Allison. "What happened to Scott",  "I don't know" We ran to the porch but, Stiles and Scott were gone. GREAT. "Allison Kylie I'm a friend of Scott's he told me to give you a ride. "Ok" Allison said. I am so pissed at Stiles right now. "Okay" I said following Allison.

I finally arrived home after Derek dropped me off. I close the door and press my back to it.
I can't believe my twin brother is a werewolf.

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