Chapter 6-My Brother Tried to Eat Me

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Stiles POV

I was in the locker room when I saw Scott.

" Did you apologize to Allison" I asked.

"Yeah" he said with a hint of scaredness in his voice.

" Well is she giving you a second chance" I said.

"Yeah" he breathed

"Ok so alright so everythings good" I said walking away.

"No" I hear him say

I walked back "No?"

"Remember the hunters her dad's one of them" Scott said.

Wait "her dad!"

"Shot me" he whispered.

"Allison's Father" I shouted.

" with a crossbow" he said wide eyes

"Allisons father-" I started

"Yes her father" he yelled then he started breathing heavily

"Oh my god oh my god"

I walked to Scott and patted his face "Scott snap out of it, you're ok, hey hey he didn't recognize you right?"

" no no I don't know" he said.

That I heard coach blow the whistle.

"Okay, focus on the cross take this and this and this just focus on  lacrosse" I said stepping back then I almost tripping on the bench.
Oh this is going to be a total diaster.

Kylie's POV

I watched as Scott and Stiles made their way to the field. Stiles saw me and I smiled he smile back.

I then heard coach say "Mccall, what are you waiting for lets go." Scott then ran to the goal but Jackass oops Jackson pushed him.

"Show off" I muttered. " my grandmother can move faster than that and she's dead" coach said to Scott.

Scott got up then ran "Mccall's ganna do it again, Mccall's ganna do it again" Coach yelled.

Coach then blew the whistle and Scott ran towards Jackson knocking him down. Jackson just layed their holding his shoulder.

"Crap" I muttered. Stiles and I just ran to Scott.

" I can't control it Stiles" Scott said. Stiles and I just picked him up.

"come on let's go"

~10 minutes later~

We finally made it to the locker room."Scott you ok" Stiles and I said.

"GET AWAY FROM ME"  Scott growled eyes turning yellow fangs and claws coming out.

Stiles and I stumbled back then made a run for it. We were running in circles. I can't believe my twin brother wants to eat me

I then heard a noice above me. i looked and saw Scott on top of the lockers. I then got an idea.

"Stiles the fire extinguisher" I cried out. Stiles then grabbed and sprayed it at Scott. We quickly hid by the door.

"Stiles Kylie" Scott breathed out. We slowly made our way towards Scott.

"What happened" Scott breathed.

"You tried to kill us" I breathed out.

" its like I told you before it's the anger your pulse rising" Stiles said.

"But that's lacrosse it's a pretty violent game if you both haven't  noticed" Scott said.

" Well its going to be a lot more violent if you kill someone, Scott you can't play Saturday you have to get out of the game" Stiles told Scott.

"But im first line" Scott whined

"Well not anymore" I said.

Scott looked down sad.

"Scott Kylie's right you can't be first line" Stiles said.

~Later that day~

Scott and I are hanging out in his room. "So dear brother, Stiles told me Allison's father is a werewolf hunter. Hate to say it but sucks to be you brother".

" I know im so screwed, but-"

Scott was cut off by a knock on the door... mom.

"Hey its a late shift again tonight, but im taking Saturday off to see your game" Mom said.

"No mom you can't" I said. Mom looked at Scott and I "No? I can and I will, one shift isn't ganna break us."

Mom then looked at Scott wierdly "What's wrong with your eyes?" I quickly got up and looked at Scott who was also paniking.

"It looks like you haven't slept in days" Scott and I sighed. "Im just stressed" Scott responded.

"Stress, it's nothing else like drugs" Mom responded. "You mean right now" I said. "Im sorry right now have you ever taking drugs" She said.

"Have you?" I said. She rolled her eyes at me "just get some sleep. Once mom left the room Scott laughed.

"What?" I asked."You and mom have the wierdest conversations ever" he said. I put my hands up "she's the one who started it".

Scott's computer then started to ring and it was Stiles. "Hey Scott can you go get me some chips please".  "fine" he said.

I then answered the video call and Stiles spun in his chair and then pulled the trigger on his toy gun.

I left then said "nerd"  "whatever Kylie anyways where Scott" Stiles said. I was about to answer when Scott came in and handed me my chips.

"I made him bring me chips" I told Stiles. Scott turned to me " Kylie go eat your chips over there" he said pointing to his bed.

I got up and sat in his bed. "So what you find out" Scott said. Stiles sighed " well its bad Jackson's got a seperated shoulder".

"Because of me" Scott said.

I laughed "Because he's a Jackass" I said. Stiles and Scott bothed laughed at my comment.

Scott proceeded to talk "is he going to be able to play?" Stiles sighed "well they don't know yet they're counting on you for Saturday".

Stiles then look at the corner of his screen. "What" Scott and I both said. Stiles then began to type "it looks like-" then the rainbow wheel popped out.

"Shit" I muttered. Then the screen unfroze "-somebody's behind you."

I turned around and saw Derek Hale.

I dropped my chips and screamed. Scott was then grabbed by Derek and pinned to the wall.

"I saw you on the field" Derek yelled. Scott then started breathing heavily.

"What are you talking about" he said.

"You shifted infront of them. If they find out about what you are they will find out about me" Derek shouted.

"They didn't see a-anything I swear" Scott said. "Yeah and they won't because your not ganna play on Saturday, if you do ill kill you myself" and with that Derek was gone.

"Scott are you alright" I said. "Yeah lets just go to bed" he said.

I knew this was only the beginning of all this werewolf drama.

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