1: [Memory Loss 1] Teach Me

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Before Harry Potter got his letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learnt that he was a wizard, there were three people he hated passionately: his uncle Vernon, his aunt Petunia, and his cousin Dudley. They were the only family he had ever known, but they all treated him worse than excrement. For ten intolerable years he had suffered in their care, playing the part of the house busboy. They saw him as their private servant, not their nephew. He had never thought that he could hate anyone as much as he hated them.

Until he met Draco.

From the very first moment, their very first day at Hogwarts, Harry knew that Draco Malfoy was the worst kind of person. They hated each other's guts, and they were always trying to beat each other at everything and anything. Their mutual hatred exceeded everything else.

When Prefect Malfoy lost him his position as a Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Harry was beyond mere hatred. They were separated by the thin line of good and dark. Arch enemies.

But somewhere along that line, everything changed ...


Harry Potter rose from his chair at the same time as his classmates, daring a fleeting glance at the Ravenclaws. How many of them knew? All throughout class, they had taken turns at staring at him as if he was some sort of freak show. Well, that might be because of all the lies that were still being spread about him through the Prophet, or because of the Minister for Magic's determination to constantly punish him and trying to get him expelled, or because of the open war between him and Professor Umbridge, or simply because it was easy to blame all the new rules and regulations on him.

All those suggestions were far better than the possibility-and likeliness-that they had all heard about his embarrassing date with Cho in Hogsmeade. They were her house mates, right? They ought to know.

Lunch break was seldom a relief of stress these days. Harry had been forced to get used to the whole school staring at him and whispering about him. They did not even bother to stop when he passed them in the corridor or walked between the long tables in the Great Hall, but instead raised their voices defiantly.

And then there was Malfoy, of course, always trying to take a few points from Gryffindor House while simultaneously seeking out every opportunity to mock and provoke Harry. He thrived on the implications that Harry Potter was a disturbed and possibly dangerous boy, and it certainly gave him many creative ideas ...

Harry hated him. If it had not been for the immense efforts that Umbridge put in to keep tabs on him, he happily would have punched the lights out of the sneering Malfoy heir. But he could not afford another warning, because the very same second he got expelled from Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort would appear to finish what he had started fourteen years ago.

He could not risk that, not when he seemed to be the only one able to keep a tab on Voldemort's activities. And speaking of which, he had another Occlumency lesson with Snape that evening.

Wincing, Harry forked around his sausage and mash on the half-empty plate. He had never imagined that his time at Hogwarts would turn into this dreary everyday situation. What he had regarded as his home for over four and a half years had suddenly turned into a prison.

"So, DA meeting tomorrow, eh?"

Harry looked up. Justin Finch-Fletcheley was leaning in over his shoulder-a very bold gesture bearing Umbridge's busy hawk eyes in mind-a sly grin playing on his lips.

Memory Loss (Harry Potter Drarry slash)Where stories live. Discover now