9: [As Dark as it Gets 3] Revelations

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"You ... what?"

Harry could not quite make Draco's words form any sort of meaning inside his head; it was simply too unbelievable to even grasp. He watched his lover as he began to shiver and protectively embraced himself.

Draco looked at him with that stunned look again. "I killed Voldemort, Harry. That night when I cursed you. I killed Voldemort."

The words were finally starting to sink in. Harry blinked. "You killed Voldemort? What do you mean?"

"I ... when I brought you down for your fake ceremony, Voldemort was there to witness your demise. Don't you remember that, Harry? He was there together with the Death Eaters; he was standing right next to my father."

"He was? I don't ... My memory of that night is a bit fuzzy."

"Well, he was," Draco assured him, "he said he wouldn't miss it for the world. You know, when I was ... supposed to kill you. But then when I remembered everything ... I went berserk, remember? And I killed them all, every single one of them, all the people that were present. And I killed Voldemort together with them."

Harry wanted to believe Draco, but there was still something that spoke against his story. "But, Dracums, it's impossible to kill Voldemort. He's too strong. Not even the Avada Kedavra curse would be enough to kill him."

Draco laughed bitterly. "Oh, you didn't see me that night, Harry-I was mad. Totally deranged. I was so furious that you were dead, so agonised ... With all those emotions flying around inside me, I was more than a lethal weapon, Harry, and it was as if all the ancient powers gathered within me and gave me extra strength, so when I used the curse it became much more powerful than it ought to have been. I killed thirty of them in one hit."

"Thirty! Thirty?"

"Yeah, thirty. And the Dark Lord himself was standing right up front to have the best view of your execution. I killed him, Harry. And when I thought I had lost you, I buried him together with the others in our back garden, down by the lake. No-one ever comes there, so I figured no-one would ever find them if I put them there."

They were both silent for a while. Then, Harry said, "I need to tell Dumbledore about this."

Draco swiftly sat up. "You can't-they'll arrest me!"

Harry simply shook his head. "No, in that case they would have arrested you long ago. I told Lupin about your little Death Eater killing spree, and he was very impressed. He told Dumbledore about it as soon as he saw him, I'm sure. If anyone wished to arrest you, they would have done so already. I need to report this to them."

He started to get up from the sofa.

Draco grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and held him back. "Wait! You're not in the Order anymore, you have no obligation to report to them!"

"I know, but I think that anyone who has information about Voldemort's death should report in to them, don't you agree?" he pointed out soberly.

Draco sighed and let go of Harry's sleeve. "You're right, of course. But please at least let me come with you."

"Certainly. I was just going to ask you."

"You're just saying that."

"No, I'm not. I don't want you to be alone in this house with Tom around-I don't trust him. He's been acting real strange around you the last couple of days."

"So you've noticed?"

"How could I not? Did you get the Floo powder when you went to Diagon Alley?"

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