24: [And so the Tables Were Turned 13] Family Dinner Gone Awry

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It was already the beginning of December; winter had come and the days were getting colder. Ron had not spent much time at the Burrow lately, because he always went straight to Jonathan's place after Quidditch practice, and he simply never left Jonathan's place on days when he had no Quidditch practice. But that particular day, he was planning to go home to collect a few items that he needed, and he also planned to ask Ginny to accompany him to Diagon Alley to pick up some parchment and a new quill. He wanted to pay a visit to Fred and George's joke shop, too.

Jonathan was just getting dressed when he returned to the bedroom from the bathroom, and Ron smiled appreciatively at the sight of his bare upper body. "Nice view you're presenting me with this early in the morning," he teased.

Jonathan just smiled. "Don't I always give you a perfect view, Ronnikins?" he stated matter-of-factly. He buttoned his pin-striped shirt. "What you up to today, gorgeous?"

"I thought I'd do some shopping," Ron said, and rummaged through the second drawer from the top in Jonathan's dresser. He settled for a green cotton jumper with a wide midnight blue stripe over the chest.

"Oh, good. Would you pick up some apple juice for me? I'm really craving for some apple juice right now, but I don't have any time to go buy any myself."

Ron laughed. "Not that kind of shopping, silly," he said, and briefly kissed Jonathan as he passed him on his way to the chair beside the bed, where he had put his jeans last night. "Wizard shopping."

"Oh. I see." He was silent for a while. "Wizards don't drink juice?"

"Not apple juice, we don't. We drink pumpkin juice."

"Pumpkin juice, eh? Okay. Pick some of that up for me, then."

"All right. I'll be going by the Burrow today, too, so I might not be home until tonight. I should really spend some time with my family or they might walk around thinking I'm dead or something."

Jonathan snatched him as he passed him a second time and held him real tight; kissed his neck. "Move in with me," he breathed against Ron's skin.

Ron turned his head in astonishment. "What?"

"Move in with me. I want you here all the time 'cos I can't stand the thought of being without you even for a second."

"But I'm already practically living here," Ron pointed out in an amused tone of voice, "I'm always here. I haven't left this apartment for three whole days. I even have my own drawer!"

Jonathan tickled him in his sides and made him laugh out loud. "Then let's just make an oral contract of it and make it official," he insisted affectionately. Then, to Ron's surprise, he went down on his knees and took Ron's right hand in his both. With an expression of mock serenity, he said, "Ronald Weasley, will you move in with me?"

Ron gasped in mock shock. "Jonathan! I don't know what to say, it's so sudden ...!" He pulled Jonathan up from the floor and placed a loving kiss on his soft cherry lips. "Yes. I'd love to move in with you." He looked him deep into his amazing blue eyes. "I love you, Jonathan."

The other man was totally taken aback by that line, and he just stared blankly at Ron for the longest time. "You ... Er, you were saying ... What were you saying, exactly?"

Ron embraced him and rested his head on Jonathan's chest. "I said I love you, Jonathan."

Jonathan still found it hard to find his words. "You ... are you serious?"

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