25: [And so the Tables Were Turned 14] Cheater

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Everyone was staring at the two young men as if they had just revealed the meaning of life-but the blank expressions did not feature fascination and wonder, but shock and disbelief.

Everything was quiet at the Burrow, except for the baby noises that little James was making as he, oblivious of the big event being played out before his very eyes, continued to play Firebolt.

What had been intended to be a nice, quiet family dinner in the company of loved ones and friends had-to the Weasleys, mind you-turned into a dizzying stream of mind-boggling revelations that had totally transformed the night into something strange and unfamiliar. And when they had all sat down to dinner at the beginning of the evening, they could not possibly have imagined that it would end in a proposal.

Draco, however, came out of his paralysis quite quickly, and like a true gal pal he shrieked shrilly, hysterically waving his arms about in front of him in excited happiness, and ran up to Ron, throwing himself around the redhead's neck. "Oh, my God, Ronnie! I am so happy for you! I can't believe you're actually getting married!"

The blonde's merry outburst just made the others stare even more, gaping like stupid fish the whole bunch of them. Even Harry. But Draco and Ron leapt around and around and around in a happy circle, Jonathan soon joining them.

Bill sank down on the edge of an armchair, his face in his hands. Slowly shaking his red head, he whispered, "This is just too much. My sister's got the hots for a dead guy, and my youngest brother's marrying a male Muggle!" He seemed just about to utter the worn cliché 'Where has the world gone to?' but spoke no more. Harry actually felt sorry for him.

Draco stopped in the middle of the floor. "But wait ... how are you going to get married?" he wondered, blinking in bewilderment. "I thought Muggles forbid all sorts of-"

"I've already thought about that," Jonathan informed them with a proud smile. "I smoothly asked Ron all about marriage in the magical world about a week ago, and he told me that you are allowed to marry whomever you like according to wizard law. All magical creatures are. And wizards marry Muggles every day."

"You're right," Draco said thoughtfully, "wizard law says nothing about prohibition against male-male marriages ... and I heard of a unicorn marrying a Flobberworm once, so ... Hell, I'm so jealous of you!" He gave them both friendly thumps on their backs and shook his head with emotion.

Ron laughed and hit him on the arm. "You don't have to be, you know. All you gotta do is pop the question ..."

Draco's face turned into an indignant grimace. "Excuse me?! Are you suggesting that I get bound down for life?! You're frigging mad is what you are! I don't need bloody marriage to be happy! I'm quite fine with things just as they are, thank you very much!"

Ron blinked in confusion. "But you just said-"

"Drop it, Ron," Harry warned urgently. "You don't want to go there, believe me."

Draco swirled around at Harry. "What the fuck are you saying? Are you bloody badmouthing me with me present?! I don't believe you! You just wait until I-"

Suddenly Bill flew up from the armchair, and he was even redder in the face than Draco was. With firm determination he grabbed the sleeve of Draco's shirt and began to pull him out of the room. "Okay, that's it! That's it! Get out of here! You totally disgust me with your filthy gay ways of solving your problems, and you are not going to do it in my family's home!" he said furiously.

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