10: [As Dark as It Gets 4] Termination

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Piper had tears in her eyes. She did not want to believe what her little brother had just said. Violently shaking her head in denial, she advanced on Draco, hoping that she looked really intimidating towering over him like that.

"You can't do that!" she said emotionally. "You're going to kill Tom!"

Draco boldly met her halfway. "Yeah, and that's exactly what I'm intending to do! You heard me! I don't want any bloody baby now-I just want to have some bloody time alone with Harry, for fuck's sake! We've just got back together after a major crisis-I don't want some kind of third party to step in and ruin that, not even if that third party happens to be my own son!"

Piper took a step back as if he had just slapped her in the face. "I don't believe you, Draco. You can't just kill an innocent child like that! It's wrong!"

"Wrong? Wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! My sister testing all sorts of new spells and potions on me, that's what's wrong! And if that 'innocent child' happens to be Tom, I will be bloody glad to kill it."

"You don't mean that!"

"I sure as fuck do!"

She demonstratively turned her back on Draco. Shaking her head anew, she said, "Fine. But don't try to convince yourself that you'll be able to do it, Draco. You're too emotionally attached to that baby growing inside of you. You won't be able to do it. You will feel too strongly about him."

Draco snorted. "All I feel for that snotty brat is hatred!"

She swirled around to face him again. "You shut up! I won't tolerate you badmouthing my nephew like that! You haven't seen the big picture yet, so I would advise you to put a sock in it!" she hissed threateningly.

"Oh, yeah? Whose side are you on, anyway? He's a freakin' murderer! He killed someone in cold blood! And he's chased by bloody Forgettes from the future! What does that tell you, Piper? Now, if that isn't a failure as a parent I don't know what is, and I'm not prepared to make a mistake that I already know of! I prefer to be oblivious to the mistakes I make, and I intend to keep it that way. Now you help me find some sort of antidote for this!"

"No, I won't! You might find it hard to believe, but I happen to love my nephew! I won't help you kill him! I won't!"

Now Draco was really starting to get raging furious; his face swelled up and became blood red. He pointed his finger at her threateningly. "Watch your mouth, young lady!"

Piper could not help but grin self-righteously at him. "Hear, hear; you already sound like an overprotective Mum, Drakie-poops. Tuning in to that legendary maternal instinct, are you?"

Draco was about to burst with wrath. "You-! Who are you? I thought I knew you, but I was obviously wrong! Who the Hell are you?"

"I'm a Malfoy! I do what Malfoys have done for over three centuries-I deceive! And so do you, Draco; you're deceiving yourself. Right now you're telling yourself that you don't want this, but I know you do because I can see it in your eyes. You've wanted this ever since you fell in love with Harry. I only helped you get there. I'm sorry that I had to lie to you, but what did you expect? I was raised by Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, too, and even though I never admitted it to myself or anyone else, they had great influence on me. So, there you have it. I'm a Malfoy-go figure."

And with those words, she left them, intending never to come back.


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