26: [And so the Tables Were Turned 15] Draco, the Dursleys & the Daughter

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For a moment, all was quiet.

Draco could not believe what Harry had just said. "Excuse me? The Dursleys? The bloody fucking Dursleys!? You're fucking dumping me with those gits?!"

What the fuck was going on?! First, it had been his 20th birthday, and instead of spending it just the two of them, alone, as had originally been planned, they had agreed to attend the Weasley family dinner. Second, Harry had learnt that Pywercaseley was coming for them, and to get pregnant Draco out of the Manor he had lied and said that he was cheating on him with Cho. And now, when they were finally patching things up, when they were finally getting somewhere again, he was sending him off to the Dursleys?!

"Please, don't get mad," Harry was quick to beg, "I know it's not exactly what we've discussed, but as long as Pywercaseley's intent on storming the Manor we have to keep you out of here."

"Like Hell we are!" Draco yelled, red in the face.

"Please, Draco, try to understand. It is for your own good!"

"My own good?! My arse! This is just yet another one of your egotistic attempts to protect me when I don't need to be protected-when all I want is to stay here with you! Did you even consider what I want?"

"Of course I did! But it's not about that! This is about your safety! And our baby's safety! Look at yourself, Draco! You can hardly move and you need help just getting out of the bed in the morning! Do you really think you can protect yourself from the Death Eaters when you're as immobile as that? Huh? Don't you want Joseph to be safe, Draco?"

The blonde opened his mouth to give an acidic retort, but then he realised that Harry was right. As long as he had that huge belly to carry around he would be of no good to Harry or anyone else that needed protection. He could not even protect himself, just like Harry said, so how was he to protect his family?

Reluctantly, he admitted to himself that his lover indeed had a point and agreed to go to the Dursleys-and if they treated him all right he would indeed stay for the remainder of his pregnancy. But if they were not courteous enough, he would not stay for anything.

Harry was not very pleased with those conditions, but seeing as it seemed to be the only way to make Draco go, he accepted them.

Since it had already been proven that the fireplace in the Dursleys' parlour was not fit for Floo powder journeys-and the Dursleys did not like them to arrive unannounced and materialise out of thin air-the front door was the only option. Therefore, they needed to take drastic measures to cover up the fact that a pregnant man was going to take up residence at 4 Privet Drive for six weeks.

Very reluctantly and feeling totally ludicrous, Draco allowed himself to be escorted up to the Dursleys' door wearing an enormous flowery dress, black court shoes, an embarrassingly old-lady-looking red hat, and enough makeup to make a dozen teenage girls feel smart and spry. Say what you will about Harry, but he had no fucking clue when it came to girls.

Harry's aunt stared in shock and disgust at him as she opened the door, and he could not really blame her. He looked completely awful. Just awful. Horrible, even. Terrifyingly ugly.

"Er ... hi," he said insecurely as Harry pushed him through the door, not even bothering to sound like a girl.

Petunia Dursley stared at his stomach with disliking little eyes. She pursed her lips and decorously straightened her neck. Looking at Harry, she said, "Vernon would like a word with you. He's in there." She pointed one of her long fingers towards the parlour.

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