The Detention

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Ok people, don't get mad at me for this short part! I'm writing a part two for the detention so yah. Hang in there!

"I have to go," She said after an hour passed. She wasn't sure how much time had passed. She didn't have a watch and time seemed rather frozen when she was with him.
Beau didn't say a word. His eyes looked like he was already regretting making her stay, and his posture was slack, knuckles raw but blood no longer staining the wad of tissues she had treated him with.
Slowly, he unlinked their fingers, and she stood. He stayed on the floor, looking at her with those beautiful blue eyes like raw ice.
"Oh-um, ok, I guess I'll see you later."
He looked away.
She bit her lip and searched for words. When she found nothing, she cursed inwardly, took a deep breath and settled by him again.
"It's ok Yam Yam, just leave. We'll see each other at the detention tomorrow."
She remembered with a start. "Oh! Right. Uh, well, then I'll see you around?"
And she left for real.

She did her homework disadainfully. The numbers and letters swelled into incomprehension, and when she finally finished, threw herslf upon the bed, sighing. She closed her eyes and the next thing Yasmin knew, it was morning.

She blinked, still in her old clothes. Then she hopped in the shower, did all the stuff necessary, said goodbye to her smiling mother and saw a sleek black car awaiting her.
The window rolled down and a golden-haired boy dimpled a grin at her.
She blanched. Wasn't Heathen trying to avoid her? Stay away? Or whatever junky attitude that was?
Nevertheless, she tried a smile and walked forward. "Hey Heathen, what's up?"
"Hey love, want a ride to school?"
"Uh, yeah, sure."
She climbed into the seat beside him and he offered her some mints. "Oh, yeah, thanks." she popped a few in and he leaned back, pressed an invisible button and her chair started churning. She started, then relaxed against the massaging chair. "Thanks Heathen."
"Welcome, love." And with that, he drove.
Heathen's driving was smooth and sure, not fast and with neck-breaking, terrifyingly thrilling speed as Beau. When there was a car waiting, he would flash the same pearly teeth as his twin and let them go past. When it was orange he wouldn't step on the speed and roar forward but casually slow down. And there was no frappucinno.
When he saw an animal on the road, he stepped out and waved at the other cars, walked right onto the street, scooped up the animal and carried it to whatever owner it belonged to.
When they finally arrived, she was seven minutes late. "I'm sorry, love,"he ran a hand through his curled hair. "I'll tell the teacher it was my fault."
"It's ok, Heathen!" 

No it wasn't!

He reached out with his long, lean arms and grabbed her shoulders before Yasmin could walk away. "Hey, love, I can get you out of detention and just say that I framed you for that graffitied thing."

She looked into his gentle, bright eyes, and then thought of Beau's artic orbs and felt something in her chest shift. "it's ok Heathen. Thanks."

And she was about to walk away when he said something that made her stomach flip and do summer saults and made her cheeks flush with heat. "Next time, don't hide in the corner. It's not very attractive when two boys quarrel in an empty hallway."

And he walked away with that statement.

Drawing a breath, Yasmin rushed forward. When she arrived late, she quickly scrawled in the tardy board, the teacher scowling at her while Salome looked concerned and Abby gave her a look that said "Where were you?"

She shook her head as Heathen entered he classroom, looking apologetic. 

She looked around for Beau but he wasn't here. 

Shrugging off the weird sensation she felt, she listened to the teacher's drone.

Then, at the very end of the class, a sexy sort of drawl interrupted them. "Hey. What are we doing?" With no excuse for being late, not asking what the homework was, he proceeded to his desk. He pushed the boy in front of him off, then sat down , tilting the desk so that he could rest his feet on it.

"Young man, may I remind you that you have a detention from one of the other teachers?" The teacher said coldly from beneath wire-rimmed glasses.

"No, I remember perfectly well," Beau turned so that everyone was looking at him, crashed the desk back down, looked right at Yasmin and said, "See you there."

Then, with a wink, he stood and swaggered out of the room just as the bell rung.

The day passed in a way that made Yasmin want to impale herself. Truth be told, every day made her want to impale herself, but the urge was even stronger. And she had a stupid detention to look forward to.

She was starting to regret her decision of letting Heathen not get her out of it dearly, when... No. She was still dearly regretting her decision.

When the bell rung, she watched the others flood out of the doors, and with a sigh, she dragged herself to the detention room.

Beau was already there, looking quite comfortable, his head resting on an elbow while he picked gum off some desks.

Yasmin swallowed.

The teacher looked up and said in an annoying soprano voice, "Now, you'll wipe the desks and dust the room."

Yasmin furrowed her brow. This was quite easy.


"Here you go." And the teacher handed a huge packet of work to do to them. "It's due Monday but you should finish it now in the two hours you have here so you can be warned and get your work done instead of damaging school property!" she gave us a smile that looked more like a leer and Yasmin groaned inwardly, then took a wipe and slowly began wiping.

Hope you like it! Sorry it's not as interesting to the plot as I wanted but I'm updating soon!

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