Intense Training

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Hey all! I'm in a super awesome mood so I decided to update again and ignore that my spanish cfe is tomorrow!

Yasmin's POV
Yasmin woke to the sound of metal against metal, and piercing light. She opened her eyes, blinded and deafened for a moment, then adjusted. She felt stiff and sore, and the tears from last night had made her skin feel papery. What she noticed first made her heart nearly jump out of her chest.

It was the gorgeous Beau, looking like a real king with his handsome brows cocked over glacier-blue eyes that cut to her soul. He was holding a pale hand to her and it took her another moment to realize his shirt was absent.

She marveled at the chiseled, muscles, V lines shining with sweat, blue veins bulging against the long marble arms. He must have been working out a lot, she thought as she took the hand. She was in such a state of drowsiness that she was not expecting Beau to slacken his grip and make her fall back onto the cold floor. Her vision went black for a moment and throbbing pain peaked at the back of her head, then subsided. She stood with a glare, as the shirtless man stood, with a smirk.

Her glare eased off when the door opened again and Heathen stood. Since she was now rudely in the state of alertness, her brain took her time to appreciate the fact that the hot, golden-haired man was also shirtless.

Her eyes traveled first to the huge, sexy, rippling abs. They dominated his body, and she felt heat against her cheeks at the sight of his pink nipples. She went down, to the hard, flat muscles, sculpted and defined. She swooned internally.

"Hello. " Heathen tipped his head towards her and she took her eyes off his stomach and to his face. "We have some training clothes for you. Put them on now, or we'll do it for you." He tossed a burlap sack at her feet.

What? She was done with the internal swoons. He would seriously undress her and all that? One look at Beau's now cold stare, she knew they would.

She looked at them, trying to indicate with her eyes for them to fricken leave as she bent down and opened the sack. There were brown moth-eaten clothes that wanted to suck the life out of her by the plain-ness, and shiny silver pieces that looked like armor. She ran a hand over them and realized they were armor. She looked up and saw no one. She let out a sigh of relief then stripped, got into the brown clothes with an air of disgust, then started to strap on the chestplates and armor things for the knees. There were some armor pieces for the arm that only went to the elbow, so she would still be able to jab, she assumed, without falling over. Same for her legs. Once she was done and felt like those people who had to wear retarded costumes, she shuffled stiffly out and presented herself to the men.

She felt annoyed when she saw they hadn't changed into retarded armor. "Come." Beau said.

Heathen smiled at the sight of her and said under his breath, "Quiero tu, bonita regla."

She felt a blush. He had probably said that thinking she didn't know spanish. Her lips curled into a half-grin as their stares turned cold again and they went into a room.

Her eyes widened.

There was a rack full of swords, gleaming short ones with leather strips wrapped around the hilts, long, curved sabers with rubies decorating the hilt, and even daggers that could fit into her boot with the size they were at. There were some switchblades, looking like ordinary items that, with a flick of your wrist, was a razor-sharp weapon. There were guns too, small pistols that could go in burlaps, shiny and black, old school rifles, and even grey machine guns, packed with ammo. There was a fighting mat, and a boxing ring with the boxing gloves and equipment ready there. There were some karate robes to slip in and start, and there was one section of the room with just plain things she would see on the street and would be able to use to defend herself. There were bows with shiny wood, quivers packed with arrows, and the arrows themselves with different types of fletching and all that.

Beau and Heathen breezed past, looking at her. "First, we need to see what you can perform at with just ordinary items. " they gestured to the section, and Yasmin eyed the broken bottles, brooms, pillows, and lamps. She felt an air of confidence. She wasn't proud of her past, but she definitely could fight with those items.

"Heathen is with you first while I observe your stance."

"Choose an item." Heathen said coolly, as he took a pillow.

Trying to beat him, Yasmin got a handkerchief.

She was expecting them to say go or some cheesy fight thing like that, but Heathen struck without any signal that he was going to move. She just barely dodged, and, without even a breeze to know that the golden-haired man was behind her, she was being suffocated by a pillow.

Her instincts kicked in, hard and sharp from her days on the street. She kicked him where the sun didn't shine and punched him in the arm then jumped on him, wrapped the handkerchief around his eyes and began to blind him.

The only problem was, he didn't flinch at her kick, his arm didn't loosen at her punch, and when she started blinding him, he looped his arms behind him, grabbed her's and threw her down like she was a rag doll. She felt as if it has been millennia since the fight first began, but one look at Beau's watch counting the endurance of the fight, her heart sank.

46 seconds?

They didn't help her up. Heathen traded off with Beau, who got some keys. Yasmin eyed the pillow warily, tasting feathers in her mouth.

She was still on the floor when Beau jabbed her powerfully and fast. She yelled at the pain, then rolled to avoid another jab, her handkerchief of what must have been a mile away. Beau pounced on her, swinging the keys, then slamming it into her ribs as he punched her in the face.

She tried to kick him in the face so she could roll and try to grab another item, but another swing of the keys and the breath knocked out of her. Beau punched her again and she gritted her teeth, then went limp. He didn't go for the trick and the world blurred as his fist came towards her face again, his knees pinning her down.

She grabbed his fist so he wouldn't punch her, but when the keys poked her hard in the ribs, she was done.

A sudden angry surge of adrenaline kicked in and she smashed her forehead against Beau's. The boy toppled off her and she dove for a lamp, then smashed it into Beau's face once. Twice. A third time.

A whistle from Heathen. Yasmin was annoyed. So Heathen would wait patiently while his twin almost knocked her out yet she couldn't take a few more swings at the icy-eyed man?

She unclenched her fist and the lamp dropped.

Beau was already up, and they all looked at how long she had endured. Three minutes.

Yasmin saw something drop onto her hand. It was red. She brought a hand to her forehead and it came back with blood. She felt dizzy. First, the lack of oxygen from Heathen, then bruised ribs and a bloody face from Beau.

Beau had a black eye while Heathen looked battered. They both still looked in okay condition, while she ached all over.

"Again. " the two commanded. They didn't seem to want to aid her, so she grabbed the handkerchief and tried to wipe away the blood, ignoring the stinging feeling because of their eyes on her's.

Heathen got a broken bottle and bent his legs from across her while she took a one of those old-fashioned combs.

He struck at her.

Hey all! So, I hope you liked this update. Please, please, please vote and comment! Thanks!

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