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October 15th, 2016

kelseycampbell: battle of alberta Tagged: sarah

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kelseycampbell: battle of alberta
Tagged: sarah.davis, briannejenner, connormcdavid, ryan.nhopkins, jordan.eberle, seanmonahan, johnnygaudreau, matthew_tkachuk

matthew_tkachuk: you guys are going down tonighttt

johnnygaudreau: just like how you lost in shopping cart races

connormcdavid: hmmm idk im pretty sure kels said she'd wear my jersey because she felt bad

ryan.nhopkins: ACTUALLY she said she'd wear my jersey connormcdavid

jordan.eberle: ^ guys guys, lets improvise, wear my jersey kels ! :)

dylanlarkin: man you're screwed, how are you gonna decide ?

connorcarrick: ^ easy, just wear a leafs jersey

morganrielly: ^ more specifically, a rielly jersey

seanmonahan: we make a good team kels ;)

johnnygaudreau: yess^ calgary represent !!

dougiehamilton: we're the hottest

Dougiehamilton: ha ha get it? Cause we're the flames ?

freddiehamilton: oh god

samreinhart: put on a helmet

maxreinhart: yeah c'mon sista, safety first

tristanreinhart: ^ yeah wouldnt wanna hurt that pretty little face of yours

dylanlarkin: ^ damn i wanted to say that


"Okay bye guys, good luck tonight!" Kelsey screamed as the Edmonton players and the Calgary players split up to head home to prepare for the battle of Alberta tonight.

Sean climbed into the drivers seat of the car, as Matthew called shot gun, making Johnny sit in the back. Of course, he didn't just agree, Johnny, being Johnny, put up a fight, but sadly lost and had to pout in the back seat.

The three boys started to drive back to Johnny's apartment, the music quietly playing, being the only thing that made noise. They all seemed to be thinking about something different. Whether it was the game that was in roughly five hours, or what had just happened, shopping cart races.

Kelsey had insisted that a bunch of the boys should hang out before the game, and had somehow managed to come up with shopping cart races, for the activity they would do. The boys were surprisingly not completely convinced that they should do that, but of course Kelsey was able to persuade them with an incentive.

It was the Oilers against the Flames, whatever team won, was the team the girls would cheer for. After a tight race, the three Flames were able to pull off the win, however Kelsey decided she'd wear an Oilers jersey because she felt bad. The three Edmonton boys were sad, however it was safe to say they all had a great time, and they all were a lot closer.

"You know..." Sean started, knocking Matthew out of the day dream he was in. Matthew shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts, before turning his head to look at Sean, who kept his eyes on the road. "I couldn't help but look at you and Kels..." Sean continued slowly, choosing his words carefully.

Matthew rolled his eyes, ever sense Johnny and Sean had found out about his crush on his best friend, Matthew hasn't been able to catch a break. Especially sense they the rest of  the team found out. They all teased him, however he didn't care, as long as Kelsey doesn't find out, which is what he's worried about.

Johnny leaned forward in the back, propping his elbow up on the center console, and resting his chin in his hand. "Yeah, met toooo, you guys are so adorable!" He squealed like an over-excited teenaged girl.

"I hate you guys." Matthew mumbled shaking his head slightly, turning his head, he looked out the window.

"No but really, she sat in that cart, you pushing her, and every once in awhile, you purposely try to trick her into thinking the carts gonna flip. You guys couldn't stop laughing and smiling, and god, the way you guys look at each other. Jesus, you guys are in love, and everyone can see it but you guys." Sean was being completely serious, he paused quickly, letting the tone in his voice change. "Ain't that right Johnny boy?"

"You're so right, jesus you guys looked like one of those super cute tumblr couples." Johnny replied, casually, pretending to play with his fingernails.

"Well- I mean, I-I..." Matthew had no words, he loved her, he truly did, but the thought of her feeling the same way, was new to him. They'd always been best friends, and although he thought about it all the time, no one had ever mentioned the thought of them being together. The way she'd interacted with him, he always just looked at it as a friendly gesture.

Don't all best friends cuddle with each other, and low key flirt with one another?

Matthew already knew the answer to that, however he couldn't comprehend it. They always had been so comfortable with each other, they always talked about what best friends talk about. Minus boys, Kelsey had never brought boys up around Matthew, Auston always seemed to be her go to.

"All I'm saying is friends don't look at each other like that. And yes, she does have a boyfriend and I agree she wouldn't do that to him, but its probably because she doesn't know she loves you. But I am gonna tell you, over and over again, she does love you."

He couldn't get the thought of them together out of his head. A part of him was calmed at the thought, however he knew that it would most likely never happen. Kelsey had Dylan, and he knew she would never do anything to hurt him. Even if they did break up, Kelsey could get any boy she wanted. And she certainly would have lots of choices.

So why would she pick him, The best friend?


Publishing again because THE LEAFS WON IN OT yayayyay BOZIE I LOVE YOUUUU

so who else is like low key getting there hopes up? Because i sure am.

i hope you guys enjoyed thisss, dont forget to comment/vote,
i love youuu

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