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November 19th, 2016

Kelsey walked off of the plane, immediately going to baggage claim where she knew Auston and a few other boys were picking her up. The airport was pretty crowded, however she pushed her way through and made it to baggage claim in no time.

Stopping, Kelsey let her gaze travel as she tried to find the boys. She was looking for a smaller group, however couldn't help but smile when she saw the big group standing near the exit.

Kelsey fast walked over to them, and was able to make out Auston, Mitch, William, Morgan, Connor Carrick, and Kasperi.

As she got closer, she picked her pace up and ran the rest of the way. Immediately she went to Auston, who was already prepared. Kelsey jumped up into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. She missed her best friend, especially after everything, everything she's lost.

After a few minutes, she finally untangled herself from Auston, who clearly wanted another hug.

Kelsey was about to say something, however Mitch beat her to it as he coughed nervously. "Uh, I expect a hug like that too, but please don't crush me." Kelsey laughed as she moved down the line, going to Mitch next.

"Yeah, hes kinda small, please be careful," William laughed, right before Kelsey pulled Mitch into a tight hug. It wasn't as big as the hug she gave Auston, however it showed that she missed her good friend.

"Hey, I may be small, but I am mighty," Mitch states proudly as Kelsey lets go, "I have survived!" He yelled, earning an eye roll and laugh from everyone.

Kelsey moved down the line and greeted Connor and Morgan with big hugs too as well, then going to Kasperi, who she has gotten to know very well because of William. She gave him a big hug, then ruffling his hair.

Coming to Will last, Kelsey paused in front of him, and just started at him, a big dorky smile plastered both their faces. "Well come on, I want an Auston hug," He says, trying to stay calm.

Laughing, Kelsey jumped into Williams arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I missed you," He mumbled into her neck.

"And I missed you," Kelsey replied as she buried her head into his neck.

Over the summer, Kelsey had came to see Auston well he was in training camp, she had gotten the opportunity to meet most of the team, and instantly clicked with majority of them. She'd talk to them a lot, with them adding her into the teams group chat, however she talked to William a lot privately and had gotten closer with him.

Sense she was super close with Will, he had introduced her to Kasperi, one of the Toronto Marlies best players, who is sure to make the Leafs roster soon.They had also grown very close, hence why he was at the airport to pick her up.

Once they finished their little reunion, Morgan, Kasperi, Auston and Kelsey all piled into Auston's car to go back to Mitch and his place. Connor, William and Mitch went in Connor's car.

Morgan and Auston were in the front, as Kasperi was sitting behind Morgan, Kelsey in the middle, beside Kasperi. Kasperi was kind of on an angle, most of his weight on the door. His arm wrapped around Kelsey as she relaxed back onto his chest. The music was cranked, the conversation was kept to a minimum.

Once they got back to Austons place, they walked in to the apartment to find James, Zach, Connor Brown and Nazem all sitting around the kitchen island, drinking. Balloons were all over the place and there was a small banner that read: "Happy Birthday!"

"Hey Kelsey!" Nazem yelled as he noticed the young girl. All the boys set their drinks down as they all clustered around the rest of the group to say hi.

"Hey boys, not my birthday, but thanks," Kelsey giggled.

James hit Connor Brown in the arm, "I told you she'd notice, man."

The group exploded into laughter as they all got caught up with each other. Eventually they all moved into the living room, where they relaxed and started watching a movie.

Auston was leaning on the arm rest of the couch, Kelsey sprawled out onto his chest, her legs over top of Kasperi and William's lap. Auston's arms were wrapped tightly around Kelsey's waist, as Kasperi's hand was on her thigh, carelessly tracing shapes. William was gently tickling her feet, trying to distract Kelsey from  the movie.

Everyone seemed interested in the movie, except everyone on the couch Kelsey was on. Kasperi and William continued to do what they were doing, not caring about the movie, Auston being very bored would tighten his grip around Kelsey's waist and bury his head into her neck. he would then start to whisper funny and sweet things into her ear, making Kelsey laugh. Kelsey acted like she was annoyed, however couldn't help it, she couldn't stop smiling.

Kelsey loved being with all the Toronto boys, they were all so much fun to be around, they made her forget about everything that was happening. She felt relaxed and calm, it felt so right. Being with them and just hanging out, in Toronto, felt so damn right.

There was one part that did really bug her, that'd make her stomach churn; she couldn't help but think that if she hadn't gotten traded, she'd be able to do this every night.

next chapter is ig/ messages !!

i hope u enjoyed this!



i love you

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