
1.9K 30 1

October 28th, 2016

kelsey, matthew, johnny, sean, dougie, freddie,
sam, curtis, rebecca, bailey, haley, brianne, sarah,
connor, oscar, ryan, darnell, leon, jordan

capt campbell: okay huddle up alberta

becca babe: aye aye captain !!

chicken nuggets: bow down to capt campbell

mcdavo: um u spelt my name wrong

johnny boy: guys guys let kels speak

capt campbell: ty johnny

capt campbell: okay well Halloween is coming up...

bomber: yayay i cant wait to dress up !!

darnell the nurse: waittt ur saying ur not already dressed like a clown ?

connors liney: dangg we thought you were in the spirt and dressed up early

bomber: ha ha very funny

capt campbell: anyways... I checked the schedule and sense u guys dont have any games or anything, i was thinking we could all get together and have a halloween party !!

dougieee hammm: that sounds funnn

bomber: do we get to dress up ?

bri babe: nooo its halloween, why would we dress up

sarah babe: yes go bri !!

bomber: touché

tkachuky cheese: yusss lets do it !!

mcdavo: kels lets do a couples costume !!

connors liney: heyy i thought we were gonna do one together

mcdavo: no kelseys better

capt campbell: hmmm what were u thinking ?

samwhiches: SALT AND PEPPER

lazer: ughh cliché much ?

freddieee hammm: ^^ come on sam

samwhiches: okay okay sorry

bailey babe: princess peach and mariooo

haley babe: cliché but still cute ^

johnny boy: OMG OMG OMG OH MY GOD

johnny boy: then sean, me, leon and darnell can all be the toads and luigi

connors liney: I CALL LUIGI

johnny boy: no i want luigi i came up the idea !!

capt campbell: idk then u guys would be following us around all night

mcdavo: yeah ill pass thanks


lazer: bc u guys are the captains !!

capt campbell: there can only be one captain america

samwhiches: but good idea lazer

lazer: i tried

mony: ik ik we still love you lazer

sarah babe: okayyy so the parties a go

becca babe: so is this in edmonton or calgary ?

tkachuky cheese: calgary ?

ebes: edmonton

bri babe: but we have more people in calgary

chicken nuggets: we've already been to calgary

darnell the nurse: just rent a bigg van duhhh

mony: im fine with taking a roady !!

johnny boy: yesss road trip !!!!

capt campbell: okay edmonton it is then


tkachuky cheese: yessss

bri babe: man we're just squad goalsss

sarah babe: ikr and who would've thought the oilers and flames would be bestiesss

tkachuky cheese: keep ur friends close and ur enemies closer

chicken nuggets: ooo shitt

mcdavo: oh c'mon we're ur bffs

tkachuky cheese: mmhhmmm

freddieee hammm: okay sooo when are we leaving

ebes: our last practice is on the 30th

mony: same

bri babe: same

dougieee hammm: okay so we'll leave after that

johnny boy: okay and then we can rent a van or somethin so we can all go together

sarah babe: yayayay 3 hours in a stuffy van with u guys !!

becca babe: yeah i'll pass

mcdavo: okay great !! We'll work out the details later !

becca babe:  😒

Damnn, as im writing this i realize lazar hasnt been traded yet, oh well apparently in this book he has :)

also lets just pretend that the oilers and flames are bffs bc that would be hella goals

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