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November 19th, 2016

kelsey and matthew

bff chuky: im sorry, im here if you wanna talk

bff kels: i just dont know how to handle this. The whole breaking up thing

bff chuky: just because someone breaks up with you, doesnt mean they dont love you. It may mean they love you more than you know, because they're saving you from an even worse heartache if you keep the relationships going. Break ups arent always meant to hurt you, sometimes they're to save you.

bff kels: thanks matts, ily

bff chuky: and ily

bff chuky:

bff kels: haha im kinda on a plane rn but i will be sure to try some of them in toronto

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bff kels: haha im kinda on a plane rn but i will be sure to try some of them in toronto

bff kels: i want you to hold me

bff chuky: fuck toronto come back to calgary then🙂

bff kels: i wish... i do wanna see my toronto boys tho

bff kels: but when i come back...?

bff chuky: yes, i will hold you and everything will be okay, because you're my person and im yours and we'll get through this together

bff kels: ty matts, you have no idea how important you are to me,, i cant even explain

bff chuky:  babe,

bff chuky: of course kels, and you have no idea how important you are to me

bff kels: is it okay it i rant for a little bit?

bff chuky: of course kels

bff kels: ty

bff kels: i just wish it was different, ya know? I love him, he loves me,, but no we cant be together. Maybe if we met at a different time or we were a little older, or maybe if we met somewhere else, maybe just maybe it could've worked out the way we wanted it to. It was just never met to be, eh? We were always gonna come to an end, right? We were never meant to be the next amazing love story.

bff chuky: i think it could've worked out, i wish for ur sake you had ur happy ending. Ik you love him, hes the love of ur life, but tbh i dont think hes ur soulmate

bff kels: whats the difference between the love of your life and ur soulmate?

bff chuky: one is a choice and one is not.

bff kels: okay ty, so what even is a soulmate?

bff chuky: a soulmate is someone you have an immediate connection with the moment you meet. A connection so strong you are drawn to them in a way you've never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior.

bff kels: wow.

bff chuky: but dont be fooled, a soulmate isnt someone who completes you. No, a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself. A soulmate is someone who loves you with so much conviction, and so much heart, that it is nearly impossible to doubt just how capable you are of becoming exactly who you've always wanted to be.

bff kels: i honestly have no words, thank you for being here for me, even when you cant really be here💘

bff chuky: nppp

bff chuky: i have one more secret for you

bff chuky: do u wanna know the biggest different between the love of your life and your soulmate?

bff kels: yes please

bff chuky: soulmates always end up together.


this convo is reallllly deep

matthew is all poetic and and i dont know how i feel about it

this is a pre cute chapter tho, lets be real here

but it am i the only one tho who is kinda scared rn?

like i imagine chuky as a funnn dood and what not and then just BAM, pops outta no where with all this relationship and romantic advice

but its cute so oh well

he will probably be funny and say something stupid again in the next chapter :(:



i love you


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