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November 23rd, 2016

Kelsey unlocked the door to Matthews apartment and walked through. They had just begun their prank that they're pulling on their friends, and although it seemed like Kelsey was going over to Matthews place to prove something else, she actually went to hang with her best friend.

"Matts, helloooooo!" The brown haired girl yelled, trying to pinpoint where her friend was. Almost on cue, he came sprinting down the hall to meet Kelsey.

Matthew didn't stop, he ran directly to his best friend, engulfed her in a hug before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

They didn't say a single word until Matthew threw Kelsey down on his bed and climbed on top of her, engulfing her in another hug. Kelsey giggled as Matthews hair tickled her neck, he couldn't help but think about how adorable her giggle was.

Matthew climbed off of Kelsey, letting her catch her breath. Well she was doing that, Matthew went to his closet and found an oversized hoodie, throwing it at his best friend. She quickly threw it on in one swift motion, and thats when they decided to talk.

"So hows my girlfriend?" Matthew wiggled his eyebrows, walking back over to is bed and flopping back on it.

Kelsey chuckled slightly, "Not bad, not bad, and hows my boyfriend?" She asked, a smile evident on her face.

"Good, now that you're here." Kelsey's cheeks reddened, however it didn't look like she was affected by it.

They sat in his room in silence for a few minutes, it wasn't uncomfortable silence, but it certainly wasn't comfortable either.

"So everyone was freaking out, I don't know about you, but I was actually laughing out loud." Kelsey made small talk, as she flopped onto her back to lay beside Matthew.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny, and Sam-" Matthew stopped to laugh, thinking about Kelsey's stepbrother.

Kelsey didn't say anything, so Matthew turned his head to see what she was doing. She was mid eye roll, which didn't surprise him.

Not saying anything, Kelsey stared at the ceiling, her eyes starting to close. Matthew not wanting Kelsey to sleep yet, rolled over and flopped down on top of Kelsey, her eyes immediately snapping open.

They stared at each other for a few minutes, each of their eyes scanning the others face and features. Their faces inches apart. Matthew immediately got flashbacks of when they were this close to each other the last time. It was quite an intimate moment, however this time neither of them decided to make the first move and inch closer to connect lips. They simply stared at each other, either content just like that, Matthew almost squishing Kelsey, or they didn't know what to do next. So they stared at each other, for an awkward amount of time.

After staring at each other for a prolonged period of time, Matthew decided nothing intimate was going to happen. He didn't want to take advantage of their current state and connect lips, he wanted Kelsey to initiate contact, then he'd be happy to take over. However he didn't want her to feel pressured into it, he wanted it, but he didn't know he if she did to.

So, Matthew started tickling her. She wiggled around in his grip, however couldn't get free. "Matthew, stop! Please!"

Matthew stopped tickling her for a second, looking into her eyes that was now narrowed into slits. Smirking, he decided he wasn't finished tickling her yet. However, he would be nice and give her a little break.

Leaning down, he left three little kisses on her cheek, before looking back up into her eyes that were looking up at the ceiling.

"Ya know..." Her eyes snapped down to meet his. "You came over here to prove something to me, do you want to prove it now?" He asked, a smirk dancing at his lips. He didn't know where this confidence was coming from. Normally around Kelsey, Matthew was shy and soft, but now, things were different.

Maybe it was the fact that they were fake girlfriend and boyfriend, maybe it was the fact that if he said those things, she'd take it as a joke because they were 'together', maybe, just maybe he was okay with saying those things because he knew deep down, it felt right and she liked it.

"Yeah? And how do I do that?" She questioned, a small smile on her face.

"Well..." Matthew pretended to ponder the thought for a moment, before continuing. "You told me to tell Johnny and Sean that we hooked up... I don't like lying..." Matthew was trying to hold in his laughter, they both knew he was joking. He did want that, he really did, however he would never ask Kelsey for it, especially now.

Kelsey's eyes narrowed back into slits, "Not a chance Chuky."

"Oh okay, then." He started tickling her again, admiring her as she tried to wiggle out of his grip.

After a few minutes, he stopped again, Kelsey's eyes that were closed, slowly opened. "Offer still stands," Matthew chuckled, Kelsey just replied with a shake of her head.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, leaning down, placing two gentle kisses on her neck. His lips lingered there, his breath hot on her neck.

"Matthew..." She breathed in a warning tone, her eyes closed, her head leaning back. Matthew half smiled to himself when he realized she was trying so hard not to give into him, he could tell she liked it and wanted more.

Matthew brought his head back up close to Kelsey's, just as she opened her eyes. Their faces were a lot closer than they were merely ten minutes ago, this time Matthew honestly didn't know if their lips would connect.

As they stared at each other in silence, their faces slowly seemed to become closer, however, at the last second, Kelsey slipped out under his grip and began making her way to the door.

Matthew climbed off the bed too, waiting to hear what she was going to say. Kelsey didn't turn around as she began making her way to the kitchen.

"I'm gunna order a pizza!" She called, Matthews ears perking up.

"Oh god, I love you! Seriously, will you please marry me?"

cute lil #melsey chapter !!

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i love youuu

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