part one.

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+ proposal +

"So let's do it" Kile said to me shyly, looking down at his hands nervously as I stared at him for a moment, letting out a small laugh. "Do what?" I asked my head cocked to the side, not entirely sure what he was meaning. "Get married Eadlyn" he said to me as he looked up to see me with my eyebrows raised in surprise. I let out a small laugh, thinking he was joking as he stared at me, making the smile drop from my  face as I realised that he was being serious.

"What?" I said through a small laugh, Kile nodding his head as he walked over to me, taking my hands in his as he looked down at me. "I'd do it tonight just with friends and family" he said with a smile as I shook my head at him, still in disbelief. He took a small step back as he bent down onto his knee, looking up at me as a wide smile spread onto my face. "So you're proposing are you?" I asked him as he let out a small laugh, making me shake my head at him.

"Yes?" he asked, making me laugh a bit more as I put my hands on each side of my shoulders, pulling him up as he stood up quickly. "What? he asked me, his smile having disappeared as he looked down at me a bit confused, thinking this was me saying no to him. I cleared my throat as I bent down, taking his position on one knee as I held his hands in mines, his grin sneaking onto his face slowly once again. "I haven't proposed to anyone before" I said with a small giggle as he laughed at me, my brain working hard to try and think about what to say.

Deep down I wanted to be with Kile, which was something that only a few months ago I would have been repulsed at the thought. Yet here I was, holding his hands and kneeling on one knee. "Kile Woodwork" I started, clearing my throat as he smiled at me, my mouth closing as I tried to remember how you're even supposed to propose marriage to someone. "Would you do the great country of Illea, the pleasure of becoming prince escort to Queen Eadlyn Shreave?" I said with a smile as I lifted one finger up before he could reply to me quickly.

"But more importantly" I said, blinking a few times to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill as I tilted my head to the side. "Will you do me the pleasure of become my husband?" I added, closing my mouth as he pulled me up quickly, holding onto my elbow tightly to avoid me from falling over. He cupped my cheek gently as he kissed me, both of us still grinning through the kiss. He pulled away, resting his forehead on mines as I let out a laugh, not knowing what else to do as he held me by my waist.

"Yes, I will sit with you until the day I die, I will give you my full attention from this day until our hair goes grey" he said to me, my hand resting on his chest as I smiled like an idiot once again. "I promise to give you everything you ever dreamed of, and Eadlyn Shreave, I will love you with every inch of my heart for the rest of my life" he added, his voice a soft whisper which was just quietly enough for me to hear.

I pushed my lips into his once again, my stomach doing back flips in my abdomen as I pulled away quickly, looking at him with wide eyes. "We can do it tonight but I would still have to do it publicly, you know being the queen and all" I said quickly, Kile staring at me with a faint grin as I let out w small breath, speaking way too quickly. "Oh but I'd have to propose first, but it would be for the people. We would know and our families would know but we still have to make the country happy" I added quickly, rambling at this point, knowing that he would love the idea.

"Eaddy, I know what happens we have been taught about it for the past month. But I need you to know, I'm willing to do what ever it takes for you to become mine" he said before kissing me once more, his voice velvety smooth as he kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes. We both laughed quickly as he engulfed me into a hug, and I took in his sharp scent, and I felt lucky that I will have him forever now.


A/N: hey to all the new readers or old readers or whatever, I started this book well back in like 2016, but a lot of people have been reading it right now (it's 2020 and I first uploaded these to wattpad in 2017), and reading back now I hate the way I used to write so i'm going to re-edit them right now at 3am :))
I haven't re read the books or anything in quite a while now (not the heir and the crown anyway) before doing this editing, so if there's inconsistencies please don't @ me

A/N: hey to all the new readers or old readers or whatever, I started this book well back in like 2016, but a lot of people have been reading it right now (it's 2020 and I first uploaded these to wattpad in 2017), and reading back now I hate the w...

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The Crown Alternative Ending ~ K. Woodwork Where stories live. Discover now