part four.

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+ wedding pictures +

I stood on top of a podium, my hands held up at my side as the final preparations to my wedding dress were being done just in time for me to walk down the isle. It was the day of my wedding day, or at least the wedding for the cameras, thousands of people ushered into the hall as cameras sat dashed around to capture every moment of the wedding to broadcast to the country.

"You nervous?" Josie asked me, standing far away as she raised her eyebrow, fussing with the end of her dress as I shook my head at her. "I am already married, but I really hope I don't fall" I said with a chuckle, shrugging my shoulders at her and now really hoping I didn't jinx it, after all there was a lot of camera that were going to be on me. "You're all done your Majesty" Hale said as he poked a needle into the pin cushion around his wrist a smile on his face as I turned to face him.

I basically lunged off the platform I was standing on, hugging him tightly as he let out a small laugh, my arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders. "Thanks so much for everything Hale, I told you you could make my dress" I said with a small chuckle as he hugged me back tightly, also laughing as we swayed on the spot. "Well Ean and I owe you a lot" he said as I pulled away, looking down at my amazing dress of the intricate lace details that ran all the way down to the ground and down my long train.

"I'm glad you guys are happy with each other" I said as Dad walked into the room, looking rather dapper in his military show uniform, a sword resting on his hip as my mother walked over to him, the blue gown she was wearing complementing her fiery hair. "I'm very glad you are happy as well" Hale said to me with a smile as my father cleared his throat making me turn to look at him as Hale made sure the jewelled belt I was wearing was clasped properly.

"It's time, darling" he said to me as I walked over to him, Josie, my mother and Miss Marlee kissing me on the cheek and giving me hugs before they left the room to run to their own seats at the end of the isle.

"I've been dreading this day, I have to give my only daughter away" dad said with a small pout, my hand grasped around his arm as we left the room where I was been getting prepared. "You look absolutely terrific" he said pushing a piece of stray hair behind my ear as I let out a small laugh, moving into the hallway with him. "Your highness, your majesty" a new voice said, bowing his head as he held a red pillow that had my crown resting on top of it, ready to be placed on top of my head.

"I'll do it" Dad said with a smile as he picked up the crown lifting it over my head as he let out a small breath. I kneeled down slightly, which was difficult in my dress, the crown sitting on top of my hair, which was pulled up into a neat twist and pinned against my head. "Now that's a queen" dad said before kissing my forehead gently. I placed my hand on his arm once more as we made our way down the hall and to the entrance to the large ornate hall where i would walk down the isle.

On the other side of these guarded doors was my soulmate, the man I am spending the rest of my life with. I could hear the music and choir begin to play, everyone rising from their seats. The guards nodding to each other, opening the doors revealing me to the crowd and cameras. The guards opened the doors and I squeezed dads arm hard, silently telling him that he would have to keep me steady incase I fell, which I was very much hoping wouldn't happen today.

I could see Kile at the end, Ahren and Kaden at his side, sporting him as his best men. I didn't have bridesmaids, not because I didn't want them, but normally at Illean weddings the bridal party didn't exist, which was a tradition that my mother had out into place on her wedding day. Kile stood there with a smile on his face, both my brothers having the same emotion as they watched me. He smiled widely at me, his pearly white teeth practically reflecting the light.

All the nerves disappeared from within me, now extremely excited.


The wedding went in a blur all I remember is looking at Kile, kissing and a load of cameras and pictures, my cheeks hurting from having smiled so much today, and I was sure that Kile was the same. After the wedding we had to take pictures with. almost everyone there, individually to make it even worse. But my favourites had to be the millions that were taken of just Kile and I.

"This was an eventful day" he said, wrapping his arm around my waist, getting ready for the last pictures of the night as I let out an exhausting breath. "These pictures should be good though, I'll put them on the wall somewhere" I said smiling up at him, hearing the camera click as I did, my legs aching from having stood up all day. "Good, then I can see how beautiful you are" he said nodding his head at me as I let out a small laugh, scrunching my nose at his.

"Just please smile and look into the camera please your highnesses" the photographer said, regaining my attention as I turned back to look at the large camera he was stood behind. I looked at the camera, a wide beam on my face, which hurt but I didn't care frankly. Kile pushed his fingers into my ribs quickly, causing me to jump and squirm in his arms as I let out a loud squeal. "Kile, stop it" I said as he continued to make me squeal and laugh as I tried to move away from him.

"Nope" he said as I fell into his arms, having to be caught before I fell over my own dress, both of us laughing uncontrollably. "I love you" he said wrapping both of his arms around my waist as I looked up at him, nodding his head as I tried to stop laughing. "I love you too" I replied between laughs, Kile bending down and kissing my softly, the camera clicking in the process.


A/N: and here's another one, I like this one personally, it's cringey but isn't the whole selection series anyway?
Please vote and comment and stuff and I'll see y'all next time

A/N: and here's another one, I like this one personally, it's cringey but isn't the whole selection series anyway? Please vote and comment and stuff and I'll see y'all next time

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