part two.

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+ your highness +

I walked through the quiet halls, my shoes clicking against the clean floors as I turned a corner, running my hand down the smooth wallpaper. It was after dinner, and both Kile and I had agreed to eat in our rooms, steering clear of the dining hall. I wasn't sure who would have chosen to eat in the dining room, but I could see a small maid pushing a dinner trolley over the threshold of Kaden's room, putting a small smile onto my face.

As she passed me she smiled, bowing her head as I knocked on the door, opening it slowly as I poked my head in. Kaden sat on his bed, looking up from the book he had in his hand as he smiled at me, motioning for me to come into his room. "Hey" I said to him as I closed the door behind me, walking over and hopping onto his bed, making the whole thing shake. He closed his book, setting it down next to him as I crossed my legs facing him, a smile on my face.

"Why did you eat up here?" I asked him as he shrugged his shoulders in reply, letting out a long heavy sigh. "Didn't feel like going to the hall" he said to me with a shrug, his shirt untucked from his neat trousers and his top button undone. "I understand that" I said to him with a small smile, pushing a brown curl behind my ear as he looked over at me, his mouth pushed into a straight line. "Has Ahren called so me your coronation?" he asked me, the hope glazed over his eyes, wondering if his big brother had called to ask how we are.

"No" I replied, trying to keep the smile on my face as he nodded his head, looking down at his hands as I set my hand on his leg. "Not yet, but he will call soon I promise" I said to him as he nodded his head slowly, letting out a small sigh as he raised his eyebrows quickly. "Yeah" he said unenthusiastically, nodding his head as I patted him on the leg, making him look up at me. "I have some news to share with you tonight" I said, which definitely perked up his attention as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"And after that, we are going to have to give him a call, he won't even have the chance to ignore it" I added, a smile on my face as he raised his eyebrows again quickly, extremely curious now. "What kind of news?" he asked quickly, making me retract my hand as I put it behind my ear, knitting my eyebrows together. "What?" I asked cluelessly, moving today the end of the bed as he looked at me with his mouth slightly agape. "What's the news? Give me a clue" he nagged as I slid off of the bed, facing him and shrugging my shoulders.

"Sorry, I can't hear you, try again" I added, still smiling as he gave me a stern look, my feet moving slowly as I moved backwards to the door. "Eadlyn" he said to me seriously as I shook my head at him, opening the door and stepping out of the room. "Still can't hear you" I added before pulling the door closed before he could beg me to tell him anything, which he was normally very good at.


I looked left and right, the long hallway full of doors being where all the suitors would stay during the Selections. I knocked on the door that sat at the end of the hall, taking a step back and putting my hands behind my back as I waited for an answer. The door was pulled open, Kile standing on the other side, his tie shed from his suit and his button open a smile on his face as he realised it was me.

"Your Majesty" he said, flamboyantly putting his hand out to the side as he bowed, making me laugh as I walked into the room. "Sir Kile" I replied, breaking into a small curtesy as I held my hand out in front of me. He took it in his, bending down at he kissed my knuckles gently, making me laugh at him as he straightened up. "Or should I say Your Highness?" I asked him as he closed the door, shaking his head as he walked over to me quickly. "Not quite yet" he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to him.

He kissed me and the kiss felt extremely familar, yet at the same time so fresh and new like they always did. From the first kiss we had when playing hide and seek to when he kissed me as part of a deal for the front page of every newspaper, to the one we shared earlier in the afternoon after the proposal. "You excited to get married?" He asked me, his hand resting on the small of my back, sending warmth throughout my body as I let out a heavy breath.

"Not really, to be bounded to you for the rest of my life, doesn't sound fun" I joked, shaking my head at him as I scrunched up my nose, Kile nodding his head slowly. "How ever will you do it" he replied, letting go of me and walking over to the table, where he had been siting before I arrived, closing the book he was reading over. I sat down across from him, a smile on his face as he leaned on top of the book, resting his head against his hand as he stared at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked after a moment, neither of us speaking as he stared over at me. He took in a deep breath, blinking a few times as he smirked, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm trying to figure you out, I mean we fell in love when we were forced" he said to me, raising an eyebrow as I leaned forward as well, copying his stature as I stared back at him, a smile spread on my face."When met at the beginning of the Selection, you looked different and I didn't think you were Kile Woodwork who I had grown up with" I said to him, letting out a small breath.

"And ever since our second first kiss, I saw you differently after I got to know more about you" I added shrugging my shoulders quickly as I blushed a little bit, feeling a bit embarrassed. I had never admitted any of this out loud, and joe that I was it was a lot more awkward and embarrassing for me than I thought it would be. "I guess I just learned to love you" I added quietly, a small smile resting on my lips as he stared back at me for a few beats before opening his mouth and replying.

"I love you too"


A/N: I pretty much rewrote this whole chapter lol, my writing style has severely changed over the years. Anyway thanks for reading/ re reading or whatever, please vote and comment and all that jazz

 Anyway thanks for reading/ re reading or whatever, please vote and comment and all that jazz

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The Crown Alternative Ending ~ K. Woodwork Where stories live. Discover now