part five.

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+ amberley +

one year later

I was lying on the bed in a white hospital gown, sweat beads running down my face and both my legs propped up on each side of my body, my chest rising and falling rapidly. I cleaned my jaw together tightly, my eyes glued closed as I let out a strained squeal, trying to breath through the pain, which wasn't particularly working.

"Eadlyn just breath" Kile said to me in a loud voice so I would be able to hear him over my screaming and whining. "Ok, your majesty it's time to start pushing" the doctor yelled at me, once again trying to be heard through my screaming, which he barely was. I let out a loud scream, which I was holding he would understand was my agreement that I wanted this pain to stop as soon as humanly possible.

Dad was at the side of the bed I was lying in his camera sitting on the chair he was sitting on during the earlier stages of labour. Mom was holding my left hand with Kile holding the other, both of them being squeezed in my state of pain. She was dressed in a pair of pants and had her hair in a high pony tail and she looked effortlessly out together as she always did. I wondered if she was this flustered when she was giving birth to me and Ahren, although the she had two babies in one day and I'm having just the one.

We still don't know if it's a girl or boy yet, deciding that we should keep it a secret, and we should find out with the rest of the country. I want a girl as she would be the next queen, being able to follow in my footsteps and continue to make Illea a great country as a strong female leader. I could tell that Kile wants a boy and honestly I wouldn't exactly mind a boy either. "Eadlyn keep pushing" mom said to me, her voice as calm and relaxing as it always was, which grounded me a little bit. I squeezed her hand a little, just to let her know I acknowledged her but i couldn't say anything.

I hear cries of a new human entering the room and I slump back into the mound of pillows behind my back and sigh of relief, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Congratulations Your Majesty, it's a girl" I heard the doctor say the cries ringing through the room as i opened my eyes, my breathing heavy as my eyes spilled out tears. Mom let go of my hand quickly wiping her face free of her own tears as my new daughter got wrapped in a heap of blankets.

The doctor put my first daughter on my chest while I had warm tears running down my flustered face, my cheeks flushed red and my forehead sweating profusely. I gently ran my fingered over my daughters face examining it in the process, she had my nose, and my lips but at the same time she was the perfect mixing of Kile and I, and she was just gorgeous.

She was also the heir to the Illea thrown.

"Have you got a name?" Mom asked while stroking the baby girls cheek, a somber smile on her face as she looked down at me, wiping my forehand for me with a cold wet cloth to try and cool my down. "Yeah, we do" I said looking into Kile's eyes, which were filled with tears and joy, a smile on plastered on his face which I don't think he could get rid off even if he wanted to.

"Amberley" Kile said looking at Dad with a nod of his head as he walked over to the bed side, holding onto moms hand as he looked between Kile and I quickly. "Really?" Dad said holding moms hand with tears in his eyes, blinking vastly to help him see as I let out a loud laugh. "Well grandma was a great queen and we believe that little one here should follow in her foot steps" I said with a chuckle letting more tears cover my cheeks as Kile wipes them away quickly for me.

With a large smile I took dads hand in mine and looked at him with happiness and appreciation. Kile leaned on the bed next to me and kissed my cheek then pushed down the blanket surrounding Amberley's face, admiring his daughter. "Would you like to hold her?" I whispered directing her towards Kile, his eyes lighting up in excitement and glee. He nodded and cupped the back of Amberley's head in his hands before taking her body into his arms gently.

These two human beings standing at the side of my bed are my light, my whole life and I couldn't be happier.


A/N: hey dudes, here's another exciting chapter I guess.
I liked writing this one, I knew I wanted to name their first child after Queen Amberley, I loved her character in the original series.
I'll see you in the next update,

 I'll see you in the next update,Buh-bye

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