part six.

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+ nathaniel +

two years later

I was sitting in my bed holding my newest baby, Nathaniel, who was sound asleep in my arms, a smile on my face as I looked down at him. There was a light knock on the door, my father poking his head in with a smile as I turned to look at him. He moved inside quietly, trying his best not to wake the baby, which I was extremely grateful for as I had just gotten him to sleep after hours of crying.

"Hey" I whispered, placing Nathaniel on the bed next to me gently as he stirred a little bit, but thankfully didn't wake up. Dad came and sat at the end of the bed placing a large purple book next to him as he smiled over at me, wrinkles lining his face. "How's Nate keeping you then?" He asked with a smirk, looking down at the pastel green blankets covering his grandchild.

"Well he's not as fussy as Amberley was anyway, and mom told me baby number two is easier than the first." I said placing my hand on Nate's belly with the fluffy blanket in between my fingers as I smiled down at my son. "Well I have a present for you" he said quietly, picking up the purple book and handing me it as I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I took it from him, setting it on top of my legs as I looked back up at him.

"What is it?" I asked tracing my fingers over the smooth surface of the book, my dad shrugging his shoulders at me as he pointed at it. "Open it and find out" he said with a smile making me laugh as I slowly unwrapped the ribbon that was binding the two covers together. I looked back up at him before I opened it, wanting one more clue before he nodded his head at it quickly, just as excited to see me open it as I was to open it.

I opened the book slowly to find a the picture dad took after Kile and I told everyone we were getting married, tears streaming down my face as Kile smiled over at me, his head rested on top of mines. I looked at dad with a puzzled face as he just simply smiled back at me, a proud look on his face. I let out a small laugh as I shook my head, realising that it was a photo album, which made sense with dads hobby of photography.

I flipped the page, eager to see what was on the next page, and there was a picture of me at my desk with paper work surrounding me, which seemed to be everyday when you're running a country. There was a stressed look on my face and a pen in my hand as I wrote as quickly as possible, probably trying to pass some legislation. Next there was the one from the wedding pictures when Kile thought it would be funny to tickle me.

I kept flipping the pages and there was one of me and Kile kissing in the hallway, it was directly after I told him I was pregnant with Amberley. After that was a picture of me holding Amberley after she was born, my cheeks stained with tears as I smiled at my newborn daughter. There were countless pictures of Kile and I sitting on the floor on each side of the room teaching Amberley how to walk, with my tiny baby bump holding Nathaniel starting to show under my blouse.

Next a picture of me when I was pregnant with Nathaniel eating ice cream with a large tub of ice cream balancing on my belly, which was extremely helpful. Then there was one of me, Kile and the kids in my room, sat on the bed and opening my birthday presents just a few weeks ago, Kile holding a very small Nathaniel in his arms as Amberley sat in between us.

"I never even knew you took all these pictures. They're amazing" I said flipping one more page which reveals me and Kile sleeping on the sofa in his room, my head leaning on his shoulder while a blue blanket covered the two of us. I remembered when this picture was probably taken, Kile having forced my to take a nap after I had been working for about 3 days straight, which he had never been a supporter of. Dad smiled widely, nodding his head slowly as he looked up at me again, shrugging his shoulders before simply replying.

"I told you, the best pictures are taken when your not aware there being taken"


A/N: so that's it folks, hope y'all enjoyed, I liked writing this as I was never satisfied with the original ending of the series.
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And not to be a self promoter but if you're a marvel fan check out my other book Red Room, I'd appreciate deeply
Hopefully I'll see y'all soon 👋🏼

 Please vote, comment and add this book to your reading lists and all that And not to be a self promoter but if you're a marvel fan check out my other book Red Room, I'd appreciate deeplyHopefully I'll see y'all soon 👋🏼

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