part three.

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+ bet +

It was later in the evening now, and it was officially time to gather everyone and tell them the exciting news. We figured to do it in Mom's room, as it is one of the biggest and was undoubtedly the cleanest out of all of the rest of them. We all gathered, Kile and I standing at the door, holding each others hands as tight as possible. Some were sitting on the perfectly made bed, Mom sitting in her desk chair, with Dad behind her, an intrigued look on his face as he stared at me.

I smiled at him nervously as he raised his eyebrows at me, almost asking me a question of why he was here as I looked away quickly. "Thanks for coming guys, we appreciate it" I started with a small quaver in my voice, Kile giving my hand a reassuringly squeeze before I cleared my throat before talking again. "You guys are the most important people in our lives and we wanted you to be the first to know" I said as I held my hand out in front of me, smiling to all the people in the room as they al stood in silence, waiting for me to continue.

I could tell Kile could sense my uneasiness, slightly squeezing my hand again before taking over on the announcement for me, which I was thankful for. "Eadlyn and I want to get married" he said as my fathers eyebrows raised quickly, my mothers mouth falling slightly agape as Miss Marlee let out a small squeal which she had to conceal. "We wanted it to be special but we realised it couldn't be under our circumstances" Kile continued with a small laugh, looking over at my dad who had a hard expression on his face, making Kile clear his throat nervously.

"But we wanted to have a private wedding with all of you there" he said quickly, falling silent as everything on the room stood still for just a moment. Miss Marlee squealed again loudly as he ran over to us from the bed, crashing into Kile as she gave him a tight hug. She wrapped her arm around me as well as she hugged us both at the same time, making me laugh as I patted her back. My mother followed her, saying her congratulations as she hugged the two of us, her eyes welling with tears as she pushed my hair away from my face as she gave me a reassuring nod of her head.

"You chose right" she said to me quietly as I let out a small laugh, holding her hand as Josie crashed into the side of me, squeezing me a bit two tightly as she squealed just like her mother. "You're going to be my sister" she said, her voice so high pitched that I had to force down a wince, letting out a laugh as I nodded my head. "Yup" I said before she pulled away, instead her mother having to release her hand from around my waist so that Kaden could give me a quick hug and his congratulations.

My father cleared his throat as he walked over to the pair of us, an unexpected look on his face as he stared at Kile for a moment, who was not only nervous. Dad looked over at me quickly, my heart dropping to my stomach for a minute before a smile slowly inches onto his face, extending a hand out to Kile as I let out a thankful sigh. "Welcome to the family" he said with a laugh as everyone else in the room laughed along with him, Kile and dad shaking hands quickly.

"I owe your mother a new piano now, thank you" he said to me as he engulfed me into a hug, my mother smirking in the corner as she nodded her head. "You has a bet against me?" I asked as my father kissed the top of my head, smoothing down the back of my hair as he nodded his head, smiling down at me. "What more did you expect from the pair of us?" he asked me as everyone laughed, a tear falling down my face as he wiped it away before it could roll down my cheek before walking away for Osten to hug me.

In that moment my life was going to change forever. I would have a husband and reign, supported by loving friends and families and hopefully my country. I felt like I needed to capture this moment but dad was one step ahead as he always was. We heard the click of his camera shutter, all of us looking at him to see him holding his camera over his eye, a smile on his face.

"Maxon, you could have given us some warning" Mom said wiping her eyes from tears as she turned away from him, making me laugh as I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, we are all a mess dad" I said tucking my hair behind my ear, Kile wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me towards him, dad just leaning against the wall with his camera balancing in his hand and a small smirk on his face.

"The best pictures are taken when you're unaware they are being taken"


A/N: and that's another one edited lol
Vote and comment and all that, hopefully I can get the rest edited by the end of the day (or i mean morning because I have no sleeping schedule right now)

A/N: and that's another one edited lol Vote and comment and all that, hopefully I can get the rest edited by the end of the day (or i mean morning because I have no sleeping schedule right now)

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