9 - Forest Escapade

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9 - Forest Escapade

There hasn't been a sound of a gunshot coming from the dead-end since Billfort and I took our leave. My mind couldn't ignore the worry for Rottmayer that tugged at the pit of my stomach. We got off the wrong foot, but her concern for our immediate escape made me think she's a good person.

What I couldn't ignore too was the intrigue for her movements. I realized that she hasn't moved much during the whole trip, only taking action when I needed help. It didn't come down to me soon, but now I'm starting to get the picture---she too, like Katelyn and Philip, is hiding something.

The secrets and the lies were getting more annoying the longer I ponder on it. But despite the fact that a big part of me is now suspicious of Elena Rottmayer, every part of me hoped that she was true to her words, that she will be safe.

It has been only for 10 minutes since we took our leave, and I'm still starting to recognize the whole area and remember the paths. I removed my grip from Billfort's arm as I went ahead of her to survey the trees and the terrain. Images of my comrades, Katelyn, Philip and Nicole, flashed across my mind, fuelling my anger even more.

But I know that I couldn't lead Billfort and I to safety if I keep on concentrating on my emotions. I have always been calm, never allowing anger, pity, or sympathy from making themselves felt beyond my emotional restraints. If I couldn't calm myself, I wouldn't be able to think straight.

If I could use their deaths to my advantage, it was to strengthen my resolve. I decided to do exactly that.

There was also the fact that I still haven't lost everyone yet. Billfort is more clueless of this than I am. If it was anything, she was only a hostage, and she should stay alive throughout the whole operation and even after the ransom has been paid. The superiors have attacked us, and now the mission is over. It only meant that I'm no longer with a hostage now, but an innocent victim that I know I have to protect.

The trees were starting to appear familiar, and I slowed down into a stop as I scanned the trees up ahead.

"Where are we headed?" The feminine voice behind me cut off my thoughts.

I glanced at her. "We couldn't take the path that we usually took during our operations. They would definitely track us there."

She gave the trees in front of us a look, and for a moment I took advantage of the distraction to inspect her eyes. They were emerald, with black pupils that seem to give off an illusion of trying to smear the entirety of her irises. For a moment it calmed me, and I have no idea why.

"Well, do you know another way?" She looked to our left, her mass of dark-chocolate hair now facing me. "We couldn't just roam aimlessly around here."

Immediately I tore my gaze away from her before she notices. This isn't the perfect time to be lulling myself with unexplainable sensations. Looking towards the trees ahead, I tried to recall the path safest to take.

I don't have a plan yet, but I know I needed to think of one right away. With dozens of Johnson's men after us, we would be finished the moment we try to fight back. Not only that I was the only one who knew how to hold a gun, but we also have bullets a lot fewer than they have, and I couldn't recklessly start a shootout I know I was destined to lose.

Johnson's men are guarding the exits, but there is still a slim chance that they still haven't reached the exit through Havenshire woods. It could be the reason Katelyn took us here, too. But time has been wasted with all the commotion earlier. And I lost track of how long we were caught up. They could very well be already on the exit, or they still aren't.

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