1 - Rainer Chaxton

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Hey everyone! I just recently added the  #BadassReads tag to 2 of my stories since I'm a sucker for action and anything badass and I guess I found the right profile to support!

You guys should check their profile out! I bet badass lovers would love the stories on their reading lists ;)

~1 - Rainer Chaxton~

A ringing noise filled my ears.

I never took a liking on being woken up by any kind of noise, especially by the sound of my phone ringing. It only meant work and more killing.

The familiar sound of ringing bells went on, and I sit up. A deep thud followed, and I harshly scratched the back of my head as I bent to the side to check whatever fell. My gun was on the floor, my rubber shoes a few inches from it.

I motioned my arm towards the floor, but the ringing noise filled my head once more, as if an annoying car alarm right beside my ears. I proceeded to turning away from the gun on the floor to roll on the other side of the bed, my hand automatically reaching for the phone on the bedside table. Philip's name flashed on the screen.

"Where are you?"

"Home," I laid back on the bed, glancing on the wall clock for a second. 6:06. "What do you want?"

"We're off to Billfort in an hour. Katelyn made me call you to let you know that this one's a big operation, in case you thought of coming late."

"I've never been late to any operation," I let out an annoyed sigh. Philip laughed on the other line.

"Which is why I'm annoyed with Katelyn," He sighed. I could almost imagine his head shaking. "Anyway, I know you're gonna need some help with the explosives, so be there 20 minutes early."


I ended the call before he could utter another word. Silence once more blended with Philip's fading noise in my head, and I stared up at the chipped-off paint of the ceiling. I realized I've been holed up in this same apartment for almost 2 years.

I never met my parents. A family friend raised me, but I couldn't remember what her name was--I never cared. Her long blonde hair is the only thing I could recall about the person from my past life.

Society was never accepting when it comes to orphans--or at least that was what I felt then. Every kid that littered the park, the highway, the school and even in the front lawn always had a mother or a father that held their hands. They were all happy and complete. Everything from that town mocked whatever little I have. "Blonde family friend" never imprinted a parent figure in my head as far as I can remember, so I decided to leave.

I've lived on the streets for more that I can remember. Everyone was cruel back then, it was the people's selfishness and inhuman treatment that turned everyone who lived in the streets into criminals. I was no exception. I did land on the cleaner and more formal side of the criminal world though. Credit goes to Philip, who was just a fellow neighbor on the street. He was the one who recruited me into Katelyn's organization.

Katelyn's organization wasn't that big, but her superiors have broad connections. Philip and I were sent to a special school, and by a year we already have a degree and an expertise in weaponry after 6 months of training.

I've been to quite a few operations already. I handle the explosives, it was my field of expertise. Anything we've raided or have been into must blow into pieces the moment we step out. I never really have to think much of the damage the explosives I set up could cause. As long as the job gets done, I have no further wails and whatnot. I figured that's why Katelyn likes me, she likes people who talk less.

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