Hikaru x Kaoru

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After school, the Hitachiin brothers were off to their home. The limo arrived at the entrance of the school to pick them up. This week had been a long one for the twins. They had so many assignments that they barely had time to be with each other, even at the host club. Kaoru was sad and worried about his brother. It might just seen like an act at the host club, but the twins really loved each other.

When they got in the limo, they both kept silent. Kaoru drifted away into his thoughts and what he was going to do with Hikaru. He loved his brother so much and he missed the small moments they had together. Kaoru looked at his side just to find Hikaru sleeping. It had been a tiring day and you did understand that he could use a nap. Kaoru took the opportunity and leaned in to give his brother a kiss in the cheek. He waited for a response from Hikaru, but nothing happened. Kaoru got even sadder.

They arrived and neither of them spoke to each other while they went inside. They went to their room and Kaoru sat on the bed while Hikaru was changing his shirt. Kaoru couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell Hikaru everything. Kaoru jumped to his brother and tackle hugged him. Hikaru was caught off guard so they both fell to the floor.

"Kaoru, what's wrong?", Hikaru asked, still kind of surprised. "It.. It's just t-that... Hikaru, we haven't talked in a while... And..." Hikaru already understood what his brother was saying. He grabbed his brother and held him tightly in his arms. "Kaoru, I know what you mean. I... It's just that I've been busy. I've been missing our time together. I love you, Kaoru. I never meant to hurt you."

Kaoru was left speechless. His eyes were now watery and so were Hikaru's. But, before Kaoru could say anything too his brother, Hikaru planted a soft yet passionate kiss on Kaoru's lips. When they finished, Kaoru smiled and hugged his brother. He felt amazing and really happy. "Come on Kaoru. I'm really tired. Lets go sleep, okay?", Hikaru said, extending a hand to Kaoru. "Yeah. Lets sleep."

Pretty good for my first time, right? Please, if you didn't like it or thought it was stupid, remember that its my first time writing something like this. Please don't be harsh on the comments. Anyway, hope you like it:3

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