Takashi x male reader part six

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The last chapter was kind of a short filler chapter. This one will be much better.
... Hopefully xD Anyway, it might get lemony~ or not, idk 😂

You woke up early in the morning. Maika helped with everything you needed for the day. You grabbed your bag and ran to the car. The driver took you to Takashi's house and you told him you'd call when you were finished. You walked into the great house. It had beautiful furniture and it was plain old astonishing at the sight. You stayed there, looking around, when someone tapped your shoulder. It was Mori. Startled, you jumped back and stared at him. He tried to hold in a laugh as you smiled embarrassed at him.

"H-hi, Taka -chan." You said, trying to catch your breath.

"Hi, (y/n). Come on, we'll do the assignment in my room."

You nodded as you then followed Mori to his room. You were still a bit nervous and so you didn't talk on your way. Soon, you entered his large bedroom. It had a king-sized bed and a night table next to it. In the other side, there was a huge table, meant to be a desk, with a chair and several books stacked in one side. You looked around, amused. As you were walking in, Takashi pulled you to his bed, sitting you in the border. You instantly blush, your entire face heating up. He grins at you and pulls you close to him. You now lay in bed together. Takashi smiles at you and presses his lips against yours. You kiss back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

After your small make-out session, he climbs on top of you and starts kissing your neck. Unlike last time, you give in and start to moan lightly. He finds your sweet spot and you start to moan a bit louder. He kept kissing and licking that spot while you moaned and grasped the sheets. It felt amazing. As he did so, he slid his hand inside your shirt as he now bit your neck in between kisses. You were a moaning mess, you couldn't control yourself. It all felt like a dream and you were enjoying it so much, you didn't want it to end.

But, apparently, fate had different plans. As it happened before, someone knocked on the door. Mori got off of you and stood up. You straightened yourself up and sat on the edge of the bed. As Takashi opened the door, Sakura walked in

"Shoot, I'm late, you're already here... I was hoping to be early, heh heh. Anyway, here's why we have to do. The topic Mrs. Tachibana gave us was common discrimination. It was divided into three: race, religion, and sexuality. I already divided the topics for each of us; Mori, you have religion; (y/n), you have sexuality; and I have religion." I already, kind of, maybe started mine out... Well? Come on, let's start!" Sakura seemed very excited, unlike you. Specially because of the topic you got.

You had always been bullied by your sexuality! To be more precise, you even lost friends when you came out. And some family members didn't like the news, either. It was very uncomfortable to write that essay. You stayed there for a few hours. It was already about 5:00pm when Sakura finally left. She said her goodbyes and quickly left, saying that she had something very important to do. You sighed as you sat back on the table. You were exhausted and really just wanted to take a nap. But obviously you couldn't. You weren't home yet and you hadn't finished the essay.

"Is something wrong?" Takashi asks.

"Nah... I'm just, I'm just a bit tired I guess."

He smiles at you and pulls you to bed once again. Your face heats up as you remember what happened earlier, and you close your eyes.

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