Takashi x male reader part three

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The time passed. Each class seemed to take longer and longer than usual. Why can't it be study hall already? You whined to yourself internally. Class after class, you had the same thought. Your friend Sakura, one of your only other friends, had been watching for a few days now. You didn't speak much with her. You actually weren't exactly friends. She was just nice to you whenever you guys talked.

She approached you, a concerned look on her face.

"Hey, (y/n) senpai, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh. Nothing, Sakura. I'm fine" you assured her, zoning out into space. You had a face only a day dreaming person could have and a stream of drool was coming down your lips. Sakura, now relieved, got angry that you zoned out on her and shakes your shoulders softly.

"Oi, baka! Stop day dreaming and listen to me. There's homework, you idiot. Didn't you just hear the teacher?" She said.

You were still being shakes around and could barely talk. "I'm ... -fine... S-stop ... Sha- king.... Me!"

"Sorry. Just listen up. We're partnered up along with Taka-Chan, comprendo?" She said. As soon as you heard the words Taka-chan come out her mouth, a shiver went down your spine.

Shit, I forgot:he takes this class with me too... You thought to yourself. You were mentally freaking out and didn't know how to react. Your heart was beating quick and you couldn't think clearly. A blush came upon your face and somehow you managed to stutter some words out.

"So, um, uh, what's t-the assignment ab-about?"

"We need to do some research...." You didn't listen to anything else she said as you saw Takashi walking towards the place you were sitting.

"Oh, hey Mori. So, should we do this at my house or?" Sakura asked. Takashi shook his head and said in his attractive voice that made you insane"No. We'll do I at my house."

"Alright. Tomorrow then?"


"Y-yeah, of course." You stuttered. You felt your cheeks burning as Takashi stared at you, a look that made you melt. The bell rang and it was finally study hall. You rushed to your locker and changed your books at an inhuman speed. Then, tossing your backpack into the classroom you were headed after study hall, you ran to the abandoned third music room.

You ran there faster than anything human. It was very incredible considering you are not a fast runner. Wow, some hell of speed I got there, you thought as you turned the nob to the room. You had heard that was the place, according to most girls.

You were showered in rose petals and heard a "Welcome" in perfect unison. You stood there confused. Is this what girls yap about all day? You walked in and held out the black rose that you had found. Takashi had a surprised look on his face that soon enough turned into a soft smile.

"Um, someone left me a note along with this rose. That person wrote that I should meet it here. Did any of you guys perhaps, um?" You signaled, waving the rose in front of you.

"No, I am sorry that I don't recognize it. My roses are always of a vivid crimson red." A blonde boy known as Tamaki said.

Takashi walked to you, pushing gently aside all in his way. He pulled your arm and softly dragged you to a supply closet. He closed and locked the door and stared at you. You felt your face heat up and you didn't know what exactly was going on.

Cliff hangah! He he he >:) So anyways, I never thought I'd get more than a hundred reads. Thanks guys, you like my writing that much? Thanks. Anyway, there might be some things here that may or may not,make sense. It's 3:40 as i write and I can't sleep. I mean I am sleepy... I just cant fall asleep Cx My eyes wont let me xD

So, I'm gonna go now... *cough cough * cliff hanger! *cough cough *

Writer-Chan in and out c:

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