Takashi (Mori) x male reader

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It was a sunny Wednesday morning. You were at school, waiting for a certain someone to arrive. You were best friends with Takashi Morinozuka and Mitskuni Haninozuka, also known as Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai. You realm enjoyed being their friend. They had sort of protected you from bullies at school. The thing is that everyone teased you for two simple reasons: You were emo and bi. (sorry if you don't look like that or, if you do have the emo look which is awesome , don't like to be labeled emo. Anyway, ON WITH THE STORY) Takashi had stop up for you a couple of times and you were very grateful. You know how hard I was to make friends? You were lucky to have them as friends. They were really nice with you.

After the bell rang and they had arrived, you each went to class.


Fifth period: Physical education. How you hated that class. (sorry if you actually like PE. On with the story c:) But there was a reason why you didn't like this class. You had to take it with Shuu, the boy that had been bullying you for both your looks and your sexuality. But luck was on your side today. Takashi and Mitskuni had joined your P.E class. You were glad cause you knew they could help you.

"Alright, class. As you can see, we have two new students joining our course. So, today we're gonna play dodge ball." The coach said. Great. Just another chance for you to get hit in the head with a ball.

The game started and, for once, you didn't get eliminated at the beginning. When you were going to grab a ball to throw it, Shuu threw the ball, aiming at you. The ball hit you in the face. Well, in the nose to be precise. You looked down at the floor, your (h/c) flippy hair covering your face. Everyone stopped and the coach went to check you. You felt small drops of blood coming out your nose. You covered your face and started walking to go to the nurse's office. You heard a ball hit someone. You looked back and saw that Takashi had tossed a ball to Shuu's head. You smiled and headed to the nurse's office any way.

Afterwards, you went to your locker to change your books. The bell had just rang, but you had a hall pass so I didn't matter. You grabbed the last few books and shoved them in your bag. You were very happy that Takashi had done what he did. You then realized that maybe, just maybe, you had developed feelings for him. You blushed at the thought and when you turned around, Takashi was there.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm f-fine. I, uh, I saw what you d-did while I was leaving. T-thanks." You said shyly, your breathing a bit uneven. You were nervous. You did like him.

"No worries. I was just playing." Takashi said. A smile slowly crept up his face. "I'm glad your okay."

"Thanks for worrying.", you laughed a little, "It doesn't hurt that much though. Hey, I just realized something. This is the most I've heard you talk before. Not, not that it matters. I love talking to you. I mean! Uh, I enjoy.. I enjoy talking to you" You stuttered an awful lot, causing Takashi to laugh. You give yourself a facepalm but end up laughing as well.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said. Takashi leaned closer to you. You felt yourself heat up. He leaned in and hugged you. He than placed a soft kiss on your forehead and lets you go. He waves 'bye' and leaves for class. You stood there, blushing, and started walking to class.

Now you had Chemistry. You took this class with Mitskuni, so you sat next to him.

"Hey, (y/n)-Chan! Did Taka-Chan tell you?", Honey-senpai asked.

"Tell me what? That he hit Shuu with the dodge ball?"

"Hmm, I guess he didn't tell you. Oh well, you'll find out eventually" Honey smiled. You were puzzled. What did he mean? Either way, you still were happy with Takashi and you were determined to tell him what you felt. You just needed son time to build up enough confidence.

So, what do you think? Good huh? If you guys want a second part, comment and I will write it. What will happen? What did Mori-senpai have to say to you? Will you tell him how you feel? How will he react? Ah, don't you just LOVE cliff hangers xD? I know, I'm the worst c:<

Ouran One Shots [male x male reader] (requested)Where stories live. Discover now