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I woke up feeling relaxed. I turned to my right and saw the sun high up in the sky and wondered what time it was. I was used to waking up at five in the morning so I thought maybe the sun here,rose really early.

I got out of bed,spread it and lay all the pillows where they were supposed to be. I went into the bathroom and took a warm shower the water cascading down my back in a soothing manner. When done ,I put my hair in a bun and wore the clothes I had on yesterday.

I opened the door slowly and started walking down the long hallway feeling anxious. I was worried I was going to wake every one up. I heard giggles and laughter coming from my right and wondered if I was the last to wake up. Peeping my head in that direction I saw it was the kitchen. Dave and Jody were sitting on high stools near the kitchen island with the twins across from them.

Jody saw me and smiled brightly.
"Afternoon Maria?" I just nodded before the information sunk in my head. My eyes grew wide with surprise and shock and I looked at her in doubt.
"Yes Maria,it's one in the afternoon. I guess the different time zone between here and where you came from must have taken a toll on you," Jody said assuringly and I just nodded in confirmation.
"Okay come have something to eat,"she continued leading me where there was a seat beside the twins.

"Hello Maria," The twins said in unison. I waved a shy hello to them while smiling and they giggled with amusement probably wondering why I was shy.
"Afternoon Maria,"A deep voice said and I looked to see who it belonged to. I was surprised to find out it was Dave's. My heart skipped abit with nervousness and I just nodded without looking at his eyes.
"Eat," Jody said placing a plate of what looked like pancakes, some kind of meat that looked like the bark of a tree and a tiny cup of what I assumed was tea.

In another plate were some sausages and I was also given a glass of orange juice. I took the bark looking meat and stared at it with unsurance and one of the twins snickered. I looked at him and he said," it's called bacon Maria,eat it. It's delicious," Jody was just watching me curiously.

"Maria,have you never eaten this kind of meal before?"Jody asked slowly.
Not wanting their pity or sympathy I just nodded and took a leap of faith and took a bite of the bacon. Wow it really was delicious. I took two more bites and was done.

The twins laughed humorously and I found myself giggling."okay now I want all that food done," Jody told me strictly. I smiled at her and continued eating the food even though back at home all this is a snack to us. I took my plates and went to the sink wanting to wash them buy Jody stopped me.
"It's okay we have a machine for that."
She took them and inserted them in what looked like and oven and I watched her curiously.
"It's called a dish washer. Does all the dishes. Makes work easier for us." Jody said smiling smugly..

"I can see you already took a shower, come let's go shopping," Jody said excitedly clapping her hands and giggling like a kid. I nodded finding her grin infectious making me also smile excitedly.

We went into a black sports car that had all its windows tinted. I stood there admiring the black beauty amazed by it excellent mode. Jody opened the passenger door telling me to get in. Inside it was even more extravagant. Jody stepped on the gas and soon we were off.

We stopped at an entrance of a huge mall and soon Jody was dragging me in. She dragged me to every store in there, having me trying every outfit. We walked for about three hours and my feet were killing me. Jody tried buying me heels but I objected heavily saying I don't and would never like them. I ended up buying converses,hightops,combat boots,doll shoes, flat shoes,ugg boots and last but not least a pair of nikes. While I was choosing the shoes Jody was looking at me like  I grew another head. She kept mummering that she can't believe a girl like me would be attracted to flat shoes not forgetting mostly were male versions.

I just laughed,shrugged and said hoarsely," the shoes were calling out to me and besides am already tall enough,"
Jody just chuckled. Soon we were off to get something to eat. While we were eating Jody excused herself for a minute but she ended up taking fifteen minutes to God knows where. Soon she returned with a small and a large shopping bag and gave them to me.
"Open them up when we reach home," she said glancing at me trying to be serious but failing miserably. I smiled and said an okay and soon enough we were heading back.

On arrival,she kissed Dave and the twins while I just stood there awkwardly and waved to them. It was around six in the evening. Jody told them dinner would be ready in an hour and I volunteered to help out in the cooking.

"Can I cook for you one of my home town meals?" I asked Jody timidly while glancing anywhere but her.
"Oh yes,i would really love that. What would you be cooking and what do you need?" She said happily.
"I will cook what we call in our language,pilau. I am going to need,ginger,garlic,tomato paste,some masala,coriander, green pepper,meat, sorry what am trying to say is hard to say in English, let me just look at the groceries you have please,"I said looking at her a little bit embarassed my accent coming out really thick because i was nervous.

Luckily Jody had every thing I was looking for. Within an hour the food was ready and she was making a dessert. She said it was called an apple pie. She set the table and called everyone out.

The aroma of the food I made was tantalizing. I served them and stood behind the table waiting for anyone to call for assistance until Jody asked me what I was doing.
"I am waiting for you to get done or ask for assistance before I take out the dishes," I told her confused wondering why she asked what I wanted. Isn't that every family wants someone to serve and eat last after them?
"No Maria. You will seat and eat with us. You are not our slave. Come. Sit beside me and eat," Jody said slowly,sadness creeping in her voice. I went and took a seat cautiously wondering if they were waiting to mock me but I remembered this was Jody and she is nothing like Dibali's family.

I served myself and we eat while they chartered among themselves happily while laughing among themselves. I looked at them with a longing wondering why I never had a family like this. Jody must have seen the look on my face because she touched my hand tenderly and smiled reassuringly at me.

We were soon done and as I was heading back to my room,Jody said
"You open that package I bought for you when you get to your room."
I nodded and headed straight to my room wondering what it was she had bought for me.

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